Advent Catechism
Questions and answers to help your family slow down and reflect on the second coming of Jesus…
Announcements for the Week of 11.14.18
A place for Thanksgiving; STEP Christmas store; Art for Advent; and more.
Thinking About . . . Advent
“Chances are you’ll never see discarded Advent decorations littering the street. You won’t see Advent recipes hyped on glossy covers […] But because my job includes preparing church services and programming during Advent, I’ve been thinking about what the season means.”
Announcements for the Week of 11.7.18
Harvest Party on Saturday; Women in Ministry discussion on Sunday; and more.
Bringing Our Brokenness to the Table
City Church member Anne Stewart Freeman shares some thoughts on our upcoming Women’s Retreat (January 26th and 27th).
Announcements for the Week of 10.31.18
Reception for new officers; Women in Ministry dialogue; Christmas pageant save-the-date; and more.
Announcements for the Week of 10.24.18
Harvest Party rescheduled; benefit concert for Jenna TOMORROW; Mercy Fund on Sunday; and more.
Bearing Burdens, Carrying Your Load
Towards the end of Galatians, Paul writes to his friends, “Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ…For each will have to bear his own load.” These verses are simple and profound and immediately practical for any stage and circumstance of life.
New Staff Member Search
City Church is looking for a new staff member! As you know, we’ve had a lot of staff transition over the last four months and that time has helped us identify the kind of person we need to help us meet the challenges of ministering faithfully in and to the city of Richmond.
Announcements for the Week of 10.10.18
City Kids: Grow on Sunday; Session Meeting; Harvest Party; and more
Mundane Matters
Many in our congregation are currently raising small children, and this is hard work. It is also important work.