City Kids
Infants - 5th grade
The Mission of City Kids
As a church, we believe that our children are just like us: broken people in need of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
City Kids seeks to partner with families as they care for and nurture little ones in the name of Jesus. We acknowledge that parents and caregivers remain the primary source of spiritual growth and influence in a child's life and we want to see families grow together in the love of Christ with the support of the church. We pray that City Kids is a place where children hear and impart the truth of the God who created and loves them and are equipped to continue to grow to lead lives of faith.
Infants-3 years old
Children’s Worship
4 years - 2nd grade
Children’s Formation
Preschool - 5th grade
Check-In Process
In order to provide a safe environment for kids and volunteers, we use a secure computer check-in through Planning Center. This system gives us quick access to parent and caregiver information, health and safety concerns (including allergies), and helps ensure that our volunteers are up-to-date on their criminal background checks. You can check in each week and feel confident that we have all the information we need to take excellent care of your children while you are in the worship service. Parents are asked to check their nursery- and Children's Worship-age kids before worship; the check-in cart is located in the Narthex.
“And he said to them, ‘If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.’ And he took a child and put him in the midst of them, and taking him in his arms, he said to them, ‘Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.’”
— Mark 9:35-37
Contact Katherine Malanoski, Director of Children’s Ministry, at katherine@citychurchrva.com.