Announcements for the Week of 10.3.18
City Church Leadership on Sunday (No City Kids: Play); Harvest Party; and more.
Thinking About. . . Leadership
“This fall I’ve been reading the reflections of Lesslie Newbigin, a British pastor and missionary who served as bishop in India 50 years ago […] Newbigin meditates on the nature and importance of Christian leadership. Spurred on by this book lately I’ve been thinking about leadership.”
Meals Matter
Find out about an easy (but incredibly meaningful) way to serve some of our younger neighbors in Church Hill.
Announcements for the Week of 9.26.18
No Children's Worship this Sunday; Congregational Meeting on October 21st; and more.
Announcements for the Week of 9.19.18
City Church Basics; City Kids: Grow; Congregational Meeting; and more.
Announcements for the Week of 9.12.18
Congregational meeting on October 21st; elder and deacon candidates; and more.
Meeting Our 2018 Elder and Deacon Candidates
Members will vote on these candidates after our service on Sunday, October 21st.
Everyday Doxologist: Ross Catrow
Ross Catrow shares how his work as an advocate with RVA Rapid Transit contributes to making Richmond look more and more like God’s kingdom.
Announcements for the Week of 8.29.18
New Check-In procedures for kids; City Church Basics; Women's Happy Hour; and more!
Announcements for the Week of 8.1.18
Summer Vespers cookout; free tickets to Gary Chapman (5 Love Languages) event; and more.
Time, Talent, & Treasure: Now What?
We hope you've enjoyed our summer devotional: Time, Talent, & Treasure. We are thankful for those who contributed to it, and we're grateful for the ways in which their words have encouraged you and us as a staff. what?