City Church Pageant 2014
Highlights from this year's Christmas pageant (thanks to Taylor MacKillop!)
Art for Advent Slideshow
Did you miss Sunday's Art for Advent reception? Take a look at some of the works featured.
Advent Events and Resources
Here are some of the ways that we will celebrate Advent together this year...
Thinking About...Empathy
From Erik: "You know that thing that happens when you encounter a new idea and then everywhere you look you see more examples of it? That has been happening to me around the topic of empathy."
Thinking About...Built Environment
Innocently enough, last week I was reading an article on CityLab from The Atlantic. I really must have been trying to avoid work because the article was about road lane widths.
Thinking About...the Common Good
Erik shares his thoughts on the common good and how working towards it with people from all walks of life "begins to build trust in places where the commonwealth has long eroded."
Wrong Reasons...and Good News
Kyle LaFerriere shares his thoughts on City Church's trip to Chattanooga back in July--why he *thought* he went and why he *really* ended up there.
Thinking About...Money
Dear City Church Family, A basic principle that guides City Church is that the gospel changes everything. In other words, the good news of God's love for us in Jesus Christ affects every facet of our lives. That "everything" includes our money.
Allowing Disturbance
Liz Crim, a member of City Church, shares some thoughts on the importance of allowing your life to be disrupted by God--and how our upcoming mission trip to Chattanooga is one way you can let Him do that...
Church Planting
Some thoughts from Pastor Erik on City Church's commitment to church planting...