Our worship service is every Sunday at 4PM.
Worship at City Church is a time for us to gather together and celebrate the good news of Jesus Christ. All are welcome, and please come as you are!
What to Expect
If you're planning to visit, please let us know! We'd love to hear from you. You can also register your kids for nursery or Children’s Worship ahead of time.
We also hope you'll take a minute to read our Who We Are statement to get a better idea of what we're all about.
As you walk into the service our Welcome Team will be on-hand to greet you and give you a worship bulletin. In addition to laying out the liturgy, the bulletin offers insight into why we do what we do during the service. But really, we keep things pretty simple. Worship at City Church offers time to reflect, pray, sing (traditional hymns and newer selections), and look to God's word.
We also celebrate the Lord's Supper every week as a reminder of our ongoing hunger and God's ongoing provision.
If you have any questions about City Church's approach to worship, don't hesitate to get in touch with a member of our staff or leadership.
We worship together every Sunday at 4PM at 1627 Monument Avenue.
On-street parking is available in the surrounding neighborhoods. Off-street parking is located in two places:
The lot behind Grace Covenant, which is accessible via Lombardy Street or Allen Avenue. Please note that a few of the neighbors in the area rent parking spaces in this lot; those spaces are marked with signs that read “Reserved for” followed by a house number. Please do not park in those spaces.
The spaces behind First English Lutheran Church (FELC), located right next to the Lombardy Street entrance.
In the parking deck behind FELC — our access is limited to the first floor spots on the western side of the lot. Should you park elsewhere in the deck, you are likely to get towed.
View a map of available parking space here.
Parking in the back gives you access to the building’s ground level entrance and elevator.
Nursery care for newborns through age 3 is available for the duration of the service. Children ages 4 through 2nd grade are welcome to participate in Children's Worship, which takes place during the sermon. (Learn more about our Children and Family Ministry.)
Coffee is set up in the Parlor—feel free to come in a grab a cup.
Be sure to fill out an Online Connection Card where you can share prayer requests, sign up for our email newsletter, and let us know if you'd like to get connected to a City Group.
We also invite you to join us for Sunday Formation, which takes place in eight-week sessions during the fall and the spring. We meet from 5:30PM to 6:30PM, and there’s something for everyone.
Want to see more?
Here’s a short video that will give you a glimpse into our Sunday worship service.