Being a Friend
"Friendship is born over time, not over one coffee date. It’s born through shared adversity, not just fun game nights."
Announcements for the Week of 9.27.17
CARITAS volunteers needed; Meet & Greet on Sunday; and more...
Fall 2017 Christian Formation at City Church
What is Christian Formation? Why is it important? Why do we need it?
Announcements for the Week of 9.20.17
Welcoming Baby Bleckley; Fall Christian Formation classes; CARITAS volunteers; and more!"
Saturday Rally in Richmond
As you may know, a group from Tennessee has planned a rally to protect the Lee Monument on Saturday. Given City Church’s location at the epicenter of these events, we have been discussing what our response should be.
Announcements for the Week of 9.13.17
CARITAS volunteers needed; Nicaragua update; elder nominations; and more...
Elder Nominations
During the next three weeks we will have an open elder nomination period at City Church.
Announcements for the Week of 9.6.17
Harvest Party October 21st; Nicaragua updates; City Groups; and more...
Shaping Young Minds and Hearts: What’s New with Children’s Ministry this Fall
A new class, a new curriculum, and new members...
Addressing the "What's Nexts" and "What Ifs"
“God of blessing, what a mess I create when I wrestle the future out of your hand and take it upon myself."
Loving Neighbors and Washing Feet
"If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you."