Shaping Young Minds and Hearts: What’s New with Children’s Ministry this Fall

ALL NEW! Children's Christian Formation

This Fall we will kick off a brand new class for children ages 4-2nd grade after the service on second and fourth Sundays. It will coincide with our adult education classes so that parents can come to class and know that their child is learning more about Jesus and spending time with mentors and leaders who will show them the love of Christ. This year, beginning on October 8th, kids will discover God’s Promises in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation using Kevin DeYoung’s book and short film “The Biggest Story”. Val Catrow and Lauren Cave will eat dinner with these young ones and then tell them about God’s faithfulness to save his people from their sin and one day live with us! Please contact me if you are interested in having your child attend! We hope to have a great turn out!

Children's Worship This Fall

Almost every Sunday our little ones from four through second grade gather during the sermon for Children’s Worship. Beginning September 3rd we will introduce these young ones to the New City Catechism.

What is a catechism and why are we using one? A catechism is a tool that systematically explains truths about God, his love for and rescue of sinful people through Jesus, and the work the Church. It uses a series of questions and answers to help young and old think about their faith and gives even the youngest categories and buckets in which to later place truths and loves learned and experienced later in life.

Although we as a Presbyterian church subscribe to the Westminster Confession of Faith as well as the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, we have decided to use the New City Catechism in Children’s Worship because it is shorter (only 52 questions), focuses on those areas that are most important to being a follower of Jesus, and comes with myriad resources both in print and online. It is also based off the historic creeds, catechisms, and confessions. The New City Catechism also has longer adult answers as well as shorter child answers for each question. Oh, and songs too! (some are a bit cheesy…)

Each week, children will review a new question and answer, such as: 

Q: What is our only hope in life and death?
A: That we are not our own, but belong to God.

 Q: What is faith in Jesus Christ?
A: Receiving and resting on him alone for salvation as he is offered to us in the gospel.

At the very least our children will be given simple language to express the Biblical faith in Christ they are being presented each week. And if a family should so choose, they could take up this practice of catechesis in their own home as a family. More on that from Tim Keller.

Here's a video introducing the New City Catechism as well:

'The New City Catechism' lays out 52 questions and answers related to God, human nature, sin, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and more. Whether used devotionally, recited orally, or memorized over the course of a year, families, churches, small groups, and Christian schools will treasure this as a valuable tool for teaching the core doctrines of the Christian faith to children and adults alike. Learn more:

Graduation Class Starts September 13th!

Each Fall, we have the great joy and pleasure of spending six weeks with our third graders discussing what it means to become a communing member of City Church. Our Children’s Worship Graduation Class reviews some of the basics of the gospel as well as participation in the life and worship of the church. It is a rich time that takes place during the worship service. During this season of Fall teachers, parents, and the elders will get to spend time with these students answering questions about who Jesus is and what he has done for us and for this world he loves so much!

After the six weeks, if a child is ready she can talk with the elders to see if she is ready to partake in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. It is a sweet time when we see children taking ownership of the faith handed down to them by their parents. When little children claim Jesus as their own, it reminds me of why God called me to City Church to be the pastor for children! 

If you have any questions about Children's Ministry at City Church, please contact Jim Pulizzi at


Announcements for the Week of 9.6.17


Addressing the "What's Nexts" and "What Ifs"