Loving Neighbors and Washing Feet
What comes to mind when someone asks if you do any volunteer work? If you’re like me, these are the thoughts that arise:
- My schedule isn’t flexible enough to make that sort of commitment.
- Organizations require paper work, a meeting, an orientation day, and who knows what else. I don’t want to do all that just to volunteer a few hours once in a while.
- I’m not passionate enough about the opportunities I’m seeing. I’ll keep looking and eventually find something more exciting.
- Would I even make a difference? I’d just be another number doing something anyone else could do.
- There are plenty of volunteers our there to get the job done, they don’t really need me.
- It’s uncomfortable being around people in need.
Friends, don’t let these thoughts fool you. These are excuses, not facts! Volunteering CAN be low commitment. Your desire to serve is ALL the passion you need. Your time and effort DOES impact the lives you encounter. You ARE needed. Volunteering is about OTHERS, not yourself.
Jesus calls us to love our neighbors and to wash each other’s feet. We have a great opportunity to do exactly that in October. City Church will be hosting CARITAS the week of October 14th through 21st and there are several ways to volunteer even just a few hours of your time. If you’re not familiar with CARITAS, it’s a local organization that helps our most vulnerable neighbors break the cycles of homelessness and addiction to reclaim their dignity. City Church will be hosting (at Grace Covenant) women overnight and providing meals, laundry service, transportation, and nightly activities.
Please consider volunteering a few hours of your time to show these ladies that God loves them, cares for them, and protects them. All volunteer opportunities are listed on this sign up page.
If you have any questions please email Caroline Garrett at cgarrett17@gmail.com.
“If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.”