10.15.19 Announcements
Ladies Craft Night on Friday; reception for Jim; Harvest Party; and more.
Spiritual Formation and Story
When my family gets together we tell stories. They are often the same stories, but we continue to tell them because they are our stories. They tell us who we are (for better or worse) and how we act (sometimes better, often worse).
10.8.19 Announcements
Nursery volunteers needed for THIS SUNDAY; registration for Women's Retreat now open; Sunday Formation returns this week!
Telling Our Story: City Church's Finances
This new series from Erik will focus on sharing more about the whats, hows, and whys behind life at City Church. First up: finances.
9.24.19 Announcements
Welcome, Baby Nicholas! Also: prayer tomorrow; Partnership Sunday; no Children's Worship on Sunday; and more.
9.17.19 Announcements
Sunday Formation (please RSVP); Faith & Work; Partnership Sunday; and more.
Partnership at City Church: Richmond City Young Life
Riqia Taylor shares an update on Richmond City Young Life, one of City Church’s local partners.
Everyday Doxologist: Hillary Bleckley
“For many years, I struggled to find a direct connection between the output of my work and my faith. Sometimes I’d find myself thinking, at the end of the day, isn’t this just about getting people to buy more stuff?”
(Hillary Bleckely reflects on her work as a Brand Strategist.)
Announcements for the Week of 9.10.19
City Church Basics on Sunday; Partnership Sunday; and more.
Partnership: September at City Church
This month, we will spend time during each service highlighting the various ways that we can partner with what God is doing in our church and in our city.
Announcements for the Week of 9.3.19
Welcome Back Sunday (RSVP!); Women's Bible studies; and more.