Partnership at City Church: Richmond City Young Life

During our worship service on Sunday, September 15th, Riqia Taylor of Richmond City Young Life gave an update on their work. Here’s a transcript of what she shared.

Thank you for allowing me to share with you all this past Sunday and for your continued support.

The Lord has made way for seeds to be planted this year.

In the book of Luke, Jesus shares a parable of seeds being sowed. When Jesus' disciples asked him the meaning of this parable, he says The seed is the word of God.

Every week we have the opportunity to plant seeds in the lives of 80 high school kids in Richmond.

The word tells us that when the seeds fall on good soil, it yields a crop 100 times more than it was sown. This year we have seen fruit in taking 60 kids to Summer camp and returned home with twelve students deciding to give their life to Christ. As the school year begins, they are on fire to bring more of their friends to the feet of Jesus.

The work we do is important and is a matter of life and death for many of our students. We have a student who this time last year was homeless. His brother started bringing him to our program. Seeds. We spent the entire year walking closely with him, his brother, and their family. Seeds. He came to camp with us this summer and left, wanting to know more about Christ Jesus. Seeds. By the end of the summer after going to a church service with one of our volunteer leaders, he says, and I quote, “I think this is all changing my life. Like, Young Life, and Camp, and all of you. I’ve been thinking differently and treating people differently because of it all.”


This is what doing life with our kids looks like: showing them the love of Christ!

We, the leaders and staff of Richmond City Young Life, are dedicated to meeting and doing life with more kids and planting more seeds by introducing adolescents to Christ.

While the harvest is plentiful, the laborers are few. As we continue efforts to gain more leaders, we also are in need of more staff. This requires support and resources as we seek to expand.

Please become a monthly donor, if you’re not already. Consider being a volunteer leader.

We are also in need of committee members and meals for our program.

If you or someone you know is interested, please contact me at or 757-286-2344.


9.17.19 Announcements


Everyday Doxologist: Hillary Bleckley