Artwork by Esther Pfeifer
A Prayer for Flourishing
Dear Jesus, thank you for the ways we have seen flourishing in your Kingdom in 2023 through our ministry partnerships. Thank you for our partners who act as the hands and feet of Jesus in our city, country and the world. Thank you for the ways City Church has been able to come alongside them this year. Thank you that it is your design that we can go further together than we can alone.
Jesus, thank you for our partners in Richmond working to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of our city. Thank you for the ways they support our most vulnerable neighbors, invest in the education of our young people, and share your love with those who do not know you. Thank you for our partners around our country who are planting churches, making governing decisions in our denomination, and reaching students of all ages with your hope. We praise you for our partners around the world who are reaching out to cities deemed “unreached” and building communities of faith.
Lord, be near to our partners this year. When they are discouraged, show them their labor is not in vain. As they step into dark places, fill them with the light of your Spirit. Prompt us to know how we might better serve alongside them, using our own unique gifts to glorify you. And thank you for giving us the opportunity to be a part of your holy body, working together for your praise and glory.
Scripture to prompt your own prayers:
1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Hebrews 12:1
Prayer written by Anne Snow
At City Church, we believe that God’s kingdom flourishes when believers work together to make known the good news of Jesus’s death and resurrection. One of the ways we do this is by partnering with people and organizations who are already doing this in Richmond, in the United States, and around the world.
These partnerships happen in a few ways: through prayer, through finances, and through volunteers. Here are the people and organizations with whom we partnered in 2023—please join us in holding them in our prayers in 2024 as well.
For Richmond
Richmond Christian Leadership Initiative
Schole House
CrossOver Healthcare Ministry
The Barnabas Center
East End Pregnancy Test and Help Center
Patty’s Hope
YoungLives Metro Richmond
Shalom Farms
Urban Hope
Elijah House Academy
Imago Dei Neighborhood School
Richmond Public Schools
Rise Richmond (formerly CHAT)
Reformed University Fellowship at Christopher Newport University
Reformed University Fellowship at Howard University
Young Life Chesterfield
Young Life Hanover
Young Life International
Young Life Richmond City
Young Life VCU
Young Life West End
Hispania Igelsia Church/Ambrose Winfree
Amelia Church Plant/Marty Cates
New Creation Presbyterian Church/Joel Passmore
Alliance for Mission & Renewal
James River Presbytery
Presbyterian Church in America
City to City D-A-CH
Faith Cho (Mission to the World, Bahamas)
Ben and Kim Church/Christ Our Church Refuge (Mission to the World, Uganda)
Phil and Shanna Davis (Serge, Prague)
Jessica Forbes (Serge, Prague)
Boas and Jenna Opedun (Serge, Uganda)