Artwork by Jordan Greene
A Prayer for Formation
Lord, I thank you for being our Father. I thank you for being our King. You are our Creator, our Savior. There will be a day in which “death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things will have passed away.”
As we wait for this time, we’ve seen much growth this past year, and this is good. What joy we have in worshiping together in a full sanctuary. What comfort we have in the care we give and receive within our City Groups. How we learn to love your Word in our Sunday Formation classes. We’ve seen our covenant childrens’ faith grow in the Youth and Children’s Ministry because of your faithfulness. Your presence is with this Church.
For this year, may your Spirit grow us in your Word. May we be protected against the evil that seeks to divide and destroy your people; it is devoid of your Spirit. Let us not let down our guard. Instead, may we build ourselves up in the most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keeping ourselves in the Love of God, as we wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.
Let the times we come together be times in which we celebrate the Joy of Victory over evil. Of Light conquering darkness. Of Hope to be fulfilled.
Scripture to prompt your own prayers:
Jude 1:17-23, Revelation 21:3-8
Prayer written by Nathan Watkins
One could argue that everything we do at City Church is about Formation as we strive to make space for opportunities that form and shape us to be more like Jesus. But in order to guide our praises and prayers for Formation at City Church, we’re focusing on the participation we saw in a handful of events and efforts that make up this part of church life.
Let these numbers serve as tangible reminders of the opportunities God gave us to worship, learn, and grow together as a church family in 2023.
Average Weekly Worship Attendance
January: 220 | February 220 | March: 264
April: 291 | May: 241 | June: 248
July: 226 | August: 268 | September: 286
October: 282 | November: 264 | December: 277
Overall average weekly worship attendance in 2023: 257
More Signs of Life at City Church
Start With Service participants: 81 (adults and kids!)
Sunday Formation average weekly attendance (spring and fall): 125 (66% increase from 2022)
2023 Women’s Retreat attendees: 79 (22% increase from 2022)
2023 Men’s Overnight attendees: 46 (53% increase from 2022)
Women’s Bible Study participants (spring and fall): 53
Men’s Bible Study participants (spring and fall): 30
Parenting Seminar attendees: 86
Created to Create attendees: 79 (with over 40 adult and youth volunteers)
Modgnik Middle School Weekend at Rockbridge: 10 (7 campers, 3 leaders)
Mentoring Program pairs: Over 50 (new pairs in 2023 and some established in 2022)
Leadership Basics participants: 13
City Groups meeting throughout the year: 17 (with about 200 people participating)
Good Morning, City Church episodes shared: 250