Artwork by Luke Mancari
A Prayer for Faith
Almighty God and Faithful Father, this year at City Church we pray for faith. We acknowledge our weariness—we’re worn-out and worn-down. Life has drained our faith.
So, God of the dry bones, help us believe that through your vivifying Spirit even that which appears dead will yet live.
God of Jacob, whose life was a wrestling match, help us know that faith doesn’t mean the absence of doubt, but trust in a strength greater than our questions.
God of Abraham, may we, like him, hope against hope, never wavering, but believing that you will surely do all you’ve promised.
God of the unseen and eternal, steady us and strengthen us through this valley of tears—until that day when our faith shall be sight.
God who remains faithful even when we are faithless, fill us with the gift of faith accompanied by faithfulness. Though we’re saved by faith alone, may our faith never remain alone, but spill over with all the good works you produce in us.
Remind us that it has never been about the size of our faith, but about the love and grace of the object of our faith, that is, Jesus Christ. Give us this year a mustard seed faith that can move mountains, a yeast-sized faith that leavens whole lump, a sometimes faltering faith that cries out—however faintly—“I believe; help my unbelief.”
You are able to do this as our almighty God; you desire to do this as our faithful Father.
Scripture to prompt your own prayers:
Ezekiel 37:14, Genesis 32:22-32, Romans 4:18-25, 2 Corinthians 4:18, 2 Timothy 2:13, Matthew 13:31-33, Mark 9:23
Prayer written by Erik Bonkovsky
These prayers of the people of City Church are a way to make known to God our needs and hopes in 2024 and beyond. They’re a way to not be anxious. They’re a way to remember who God is. They’re a way to create a family chorus on behalf of the individual, the church, the city, and the world. Consider taking up a few of these prayers each day in the coming months to add to your own.
Prayers of Our People
I am praying Colossians 1:9-14 for us all. (Pat Reed)
We are praying for deep friendships and community in Richmond. It's something we're longing for and intentionally praying for as a family this year. (Megan Carson)
For my parents to know the Lord. For my student who has been exposed to substance abuse, violence, and incarceration in his immediate family. To be able to have a baby (Anonymous)
A church of full-grown faith and full-grown love; a leading role in a church plant in the Richmond area; rest and restoration during a summer sabbatical. (Erik Bonkovsky)
For our family as we navigate the full life that comes with having a growing, healthy, busy high schooler. That my husband and I enjoy this time with our son and look towards the future with imagination and joy. (Val Catrow)
I’m praying for those in our congregation managing chronic illnesses: for healing, for access to quality care, for strong support systems, and for unwavering hope in the promise that one day Jesus will make all things new. (Anonymous)
To be more aware of God’s presence at work and how He wants to use my work. (Colleen)
Medical school board exams and where I get assigned for clinical rotations. (Peter Strickland)
For the war to end in Ukraine. For American churches to provide funding to other churches who continue to bring aid and the hope of Jesus to families in Ukraine who have no means. That Russian people will respect the original borders and withdraw in peace. That the good news of Jesus will reach soldiers prepared to lay down their lives…for many it’s their last chance for eternity. (Richard Belflower)
For us to find and build good, strong, lasting relationships with people as we continue to get settled into Richmond and for our new home to be a place of refuge and community. (Aimee)
That we would have our youth kids inviting non church kids to our events. (Youth Ministry Team)
For the unity of our church to grow deeper and more integrated as church members invest in our children. For our children to have a firm foundation of truth in God's word that they can stand on when things get hard and worldly messages start creeping in. For our families to feel connected through a unified vision for the Children's Ministry. (Children’s Ministry Team)
Healing from mental illness for myself and others (Anonymous)
A smooth delivery of our son this coming summer, for him to be healthy, and wisdom to transition well into being a parent. (Jason Cotton)
To forgive my mom. For my mom to repent. (Anonymous)
That more people would feel called to share their gifts by volunteering with the music and sound teams. (Music & Sound Team)
My friends at Atlee high school to personally experience Jesus. (Cody Zedaker)
I am praying that my Ulcerative Colitis will go into remission and that I can have a year off from having a colonoscopy. (Leah Eldridge)
I’m praying for reconciliation within my family. My brother has caused a lot of damage and hurt with my parents and me. Praying we can learn how to forgive and move forward and rebuild. Praying that Christ would be known in the midst of all of this. (Brianne)
I’m praying Philippians 4:6—that I would not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication I would bring my requests to God so that the peace of God would guard my heart. (Anonymous)
I am praying for the healing of the city from the damage caused by isolation, loneliness, self-loathing, and despair. (Chris)
To tune our ears to what the Holy Spirit is doing in our lives, community, relationships, and City Church. (Blake and Sabrina)
A healthy baby girl and an easy transition into becoming a family of five! (Steph Neal)
I’m praying for myself to live in faith, not fear. I’m praying for freedom from shame. I’m praying for transformative dependence on Christ. I’m praying for rest and satisfaction in my life as God leads. I’m praying for an attitude of peace and calm flowing out from the knowledge of God’s love for me. I’m praying for opportunity and partnership to serve those in our community and city who have need. I’m praying for the unreached people of the world, and specifically for the nation of Japan. I’m praying for the missionaries who I know working there: the Carters, the Cains and the Mirabellas; the Kitaharas and Ogawas. And I’m praying for growth in my personal relationships: for vulnerability with friends new and old, for an abundance of sharing life and of caring deeply, for love, understanding, acceptance and most of all for truthful accountability and genuine sharpening, for encouragement and for exhortation, rooted deeply both in knowledge of each other and in knowledge of Scripture. (Phillip Worden)
Praying that I would give everyone and everything to Jesus because I know and believe that he cares for me. (Meg Haden)
For God to give me direction and true peace about my career, and that his love for me would drive me to do good, honorable work. (Anonymous)
For women to be rooted in their identity in Christ and filled with Spirit and sent out to their friends and neighbors with the hope of the gospel. For women to believe God's opinion of them over the opinion of others, the world, or themselves. For women to be vitally connected across ages and stages through fellowship, service, and fun. For more women to pray together and pray for one another. (Women’s Ministry Team)
For joy in parenting. (Anonymous)
The climate: That God would use us to heal the world. Our world: For peace in Russia and the Middle East. Our nation: This coming year frightens me; I pray for wisdom and selflessness from our leaders. Personally, I pray for Christian maturity, wisdom as my spouse and I consider conceiving in this year. (Anonymous)
To have a really strong, pivotal career year. (Anonymous)
For the kids of City Church approaching adulthood. As they rightly move towards more and more independence every day, I pray that they know our love for them and (most of all) God’s love for them. May they encounter Jesus on every step of these new, exciting paths! (Anonymous)
For friendships and relationships to grow. (Anonymous)
Good health for Susie and me so we can be together for as long as possible. World peace. Making the Church in Richmond an example of the coming of God’s Kingdom. (Anonymous)
For new churches to begin in the metro Richmond Area. (James Murphy)
Praying for a steadfast faith; that I would look to God for comfort and peace. That we would have strength and courage as we make decisions, face difficult situations, and grow in relationships with others. (Tracye Woodfin)
For delight. To know deeply the love of Jesus for me. (Anonymous)