Zoe Nettles
Zoe at our 2019 Welcome Back Sunday dinner.
What’s your name?
Zoe Nettles
How do you spend your days? (family, work, hobbies)
I attend classes for my second associates, work, and go to the gym to hang out with CrossFit friends. On Sunday I go to church, and throughout the week I try and engage with VCU RUF.
What part of town do you live in?
Within walking distance of the VCU Campus
How long have you been going to City Church?
Since 2019—I became a member in 2020.
How are you attending City Church these days?
In person, when I can make it.
What did you expect from 2020 when it started?
A steady job as an electrician apprentice.
If you could describe 2020 in three words, what words would you choose?
Chaotic, ever-changing, unexpected
What did the events of 2020 reveal to you about yourself and about Jesus?
That I need to trust and rest in Jesus more. You never know what God will throw at you, but I need to trust in Him that He’s there through my three job changes and moves in 2021.
How have the events of 2020 pushed you to reimagine your story? How have they pushed you to reimagine your faith?
It forced me to take a step back from my life and not be so focused on work and school while leaving little room for anything else. 2020 was like God interrupting my “habits” as Erik puts it, and forced me to pay attention to what God was trying to say and show me.
What is your biggest hope for 2021?
To understand what God is trying to tell me in the positive things that I have began to look forward too.