Update from the Prague Team (Monday, June 10th)
Harrison updates us on the trip so far—God is at work, friends!
Announcements for the Week of 5.29.19
Welcoming Baby Joiner; Summer at City Church; Creation Care Camp registration; and more.
Mentor Training this Summer
JB Burtch will teach a short mentoring course this summer. Read on to find out more!
Everyday Doxologist: Thomas McConnell
Thomas McConnell talks about his experiences serving with the Virginia National Guard and offers insight into how it feels when God’s plans for us are different from those we have for ourselves.
Announcements for the Week of 5.22.19
Announcements: Prayer Walk; City Church Basics; Mercy Fund on Sunday; and more.
Summer at City Church
Even though City Groups and City Kids will be on pause until September, we’ve still got plenty of ways for you and yours to stay connected over the next few months.
Conversations in the Pew: Helping Your Kids Understand Hosea
We want to help parents in the pew talk about the message of each sermon series with their children. Just as you may ask your child what they learned in Children’s Worship, we want them to ask you what you learned during the sermon! We also want to equip parents to have meaningful discussions with their kids who remain in the service for the sermon each week.
Announcements for the Week of 5.15.18
City Church Leadership; City Church Basics; and more.
Announcements for the Week of 5.8.19
VBS registration is open; City Church Pen Pals sign-up; and more.
Meet Our Summer Interns: Meredith Pugh and Olivia Golden
We thrilled to announce that we’ve got two interns working with us this summer! Meredith Pugh will work with Meg as our Women’s Ministry Intern, and Olivia Golden will serve with Jim and Jennifer as our Children’s Ministry Intern.
Announcements for the Week of 5.1.19
Gift cards for Cary Elementary; First Sunday Formation; and more.