Partners Partners

Encouragement Through Man-to-Man Ministry (and more)

"Again and again, if I can just get out there and in my weakness look to God by faith, he is faithful and kind to show up in all his riches!" Robbie and Minh Loan McNerney, City Church ministry partners currently serving in Vietnam with Training Evangelistic Leadership, share encouragement and exciting updates...

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Partners Partners

McNerney Prayer Update

"I find it is good for my soul to be forced to interact regularly for the sake of the gospel with unpredictable slices of lost humanity." One of the reasons our partnership with international missionaries is so helpful is that they point us back to truths that we can insulate ourselves from.

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"I should have known from our first night in Uganda, when I had to bring Lucy to sleep in Jenna's (whom we had just met) bed because I had two screaming, jet-lagged kids and one food-poisoned husband, that this girl was going to be a game-changer for this new BundiMom."

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Allowing Disturbance

Liz Crim, a member of City Church, shares some thoughts on the importance of allowing your life to be disrupted by God--and how our upcoming mission trip to Chattanooga is one way you can let Him do that...

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Getting to Know Our Missionaries: Robbie and Minh Loan M.

Robbie and Minh Loan met in a small group from their Vietnamese church in 2006. They were married in June of 2007 and in 2012 had their first son, Daniel. They are expecting their second child in June of 2014! Robbie was originally sent out in 2005 from Hope Christian Church (Winchester, MA) to help with discipleship of men in the Christian community of Vietnam.

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Partners Partners

Push Back the Darkness

Phil and Shanna Davis are missionaries currently serving in Prague with World Harvest Missions. City Church supports them financially and through prayer. In this latest update, Phil shares some specific struggles the Davis family is dealing with right now and how you can pray for them.

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