Thinking About...Democratizing Soul Care
Every now and then I read an article that sticks with me--that gets stuck in my mind and haunts me (in a good way). Recently I read on Comment’s website (which, it should be added, publishes consistently excellent content) an article called “Democratizing Healthcare,” written by a Baltimore physician named Matthew Loftus.
Thinking About…Parties
“We celebrate and have fun for its own sake, because Jesus always seemed to be feasting.”
Thinking About...Empathy
From Erik: "You know that thing that happens when you encounter a new idea and then everywhere you look you see more examples of it? That has been happening to me around the topic of empathy."
Thinking About...Built Environment
Innocently enough, last week I was reading an article on CityLab from The Atlantic. I really must have been trying to avoid work because the article was about road lane widths.
Thinking About...the Common Good
Erik shares his thoughts on the common good and how working towards it with people from all walks of life "begins to build trust in places where the commonwealth has long eroded."
Thinking About...Money
Dear City Church Family, A basic principle that guides City Church is that the gospel changes everything. In other words, the good news of God's love for us in Jesus Christ affects every facet of our lives. That "everything" includes our money.
Thinking About...Lent 2014
Next week we enter a season in the Church calendar called Lent. For people who didn’t grow up going to church or who grew up in churches that didn’t mark Lent, it can be confusing. We've pulled together some resources to guide you through your worship in the coming weeks...
Thinking About...A Great Food Scene
Last night I attended a Public Square event hosted by the Richmond Times Dispatch. It featured a presentation of recent survey results focused on Millennials and specifically what it takes for a city like Richmond to attract and retain the coveted young professional demographic. Several members of the City Church community were key leaders of the survey process, analysis, and presentation. I was impressed by their work, their thoughtful recommendations, and by the engagement of the gathered crowd. I’ve been thinking about some of their findings, especially the focus on a great food scene.
Thinking About...Starting Points
Recently with a group friends I have been reading through the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF). The WCF is an old document; it was composed in 1640s by a group of pastors and Bible scholars from England. It summarizes the theology of the Presbyterian Church. The WCF starts with a chapter on the Bible. I’ve been thinking about what it means that the WCF chooses the Bible as its starting point.
Thinking About...Lent 2013
Lent is the six weeks leading to Easter--the Church’s greatest holiday (holy day). Lent is a time of preparation for the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is a time for the Church to repent from sin so that it can find its full life in Christ.
Thinking About...Giving Thanks
The coincidence this week of Christy Wampole’s perceptive piece in The New York Times on irony as “the ethos of our age” and the Thanksgiving holiday has got me thinking about gratitude.