Thinking About...Thinning
With temperatures warming and days lengthening, activity in our backyard garden has increased. We’ve tasted the first-fruits of the harvest (asparagus, radishes, lettuce). But with this early harvest I’ve also had to confront one of my least favorite parts of gardening: thinning seedlings.
Thinking About...Riots
Virginia Commonwealth University’s improbable and bracket-busting run in the NCAA tournament has got me thinking. Thinking about under-dogs, thinking about the power of sports to bring a city together, and (unfortunately) thinking about riots.
Thinking About...A Few Good Men
Wondering aloud about where all the good men have gone and what the Christian message says about it.
Thinking About...Moving (Still)
As City Church prepares to move into a new worship space, Erik reflects on core characteristics for the church to embody through the new location.
Thinking About...Moving
Reflections on City Church's upcoming move to a new location for our Sunday afternoon worship and two dangerous responses we should avoid.
Thinking About...What Africa Needs
I need Africa and Africa needs me so that I (and Africa) might re-discover our true identity before our single heavenly Father.
Thinking About... Africa
From October 22-November 3, I (along with two other men from City Church) visited Uganda and explored potential mission partnerships. Here is the first of a series of reflections on our trip, largely borrowed from the journal I kept during our trip.
Thinking About...Blogging
Some reflections on blogging one year after starting this 'Thinking About' blog.
Thinking About...Perfect Life
Thinking About what delivers the perfect life that we all crave.
Thinking About...Dietary Guidelines
I’ve been thinking about dietary guidelines. Glamorous stuff, I know. Partly inspired by Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, partly motivated by the eating habits of my own kids, at a dinner party this weekend, I took part in an impassioned conversation about the state of American school lunches.
Thinking About...Oil Spills
Reflecting on the oil well disaster in the Gulf, we see that big disasters often mask the daily contamination that affects us. It's the same with our sin.