Worship Announcements: August 2, 2020

Worship announcements for Sunday, August 2, 2020.

Getting Connected

Online Connection Card
If you’re new to City Church, need to update your contact information, want to join our email list, and/or would like to share a prayer request with our pastors and staff, please go to citychurchrva.com/connect to fill out an Online Connection Card.

We encourage all members and regular attendees at City Church to give as part of your worshipful gratitude to God and as an opportunity to partner tangibly with all that God is doing at and through City Church. You can place your contribution in the offering box by the main sanctuary doors or visit citychurchrva.com for online giving options. If you are visiting City Church, please don’t feel any compulsion to give. God wants our hearts far more than He needs our money. 

Registering for In-Person Worship
Part of our phased re-opening guidelines includes asking you to register for Sunday’s service if you are planning to participate in our in-person worship. To register for our August 9th service, visit citychurchrva.com/links. The direct link will also be shared in our  weekly email and on social media. Registration for in-person worship closes at 6pm on Friday so staff has time to assign seats. Your household will be notified via email of your assigned seat by 24 hours before the worship service. Please note: in order to maintain accurate information as to who is joining us for which service, we ask that you register your household for each worship service you plan to attend. 

After Today’s Service

Prayer at Marcus-David Peters/Lee Circle
All are welcome to take part in a time of prayer after today’s service out at Lee/Marcus-David Peters Circle. Please head over (and bring your mask) once you’re dismissed from the service.

Happening This Week

Trouble I’ve Seen Discussion Group
Our third (and final) discussion of Drew G.I. Hart’s Trouble I’ve Seen: Changing the Way the Church Views Racism will take place on Thursday, August 6th, via Zoom, from 8pm to 9:30pm. If you’re interested in attending but haven’t registered yet, please do so we can get log-in information to you next week. Registration information is available at citychurchrva.com/links.

Coming Up Soon

Mercy & Justice Prayer
All are welcome to join the Mercy & Justice Team at 3pm on Sunday, August 9th for a time of prayer for our missions partners. We’ll meet before worship, at 3pm in room 303; you can also participate via Zoom (Meeting ID: 549 123 7601).

City Church Budget Presentation
The Finance Team will present the 2020-2021 budget on Sunday, August 9th at 7:30pm via Zoom (Meeting ID: 549 123 7601). Please join us for this time to reflect on the practical, tangible ways God has provided for us over the last year; how He has equipped us to support others; and to look forward to the coming year. 

Serving Our Community

Meals for City Church Families
Several City Church families have welcomed new babies over the last few weeks. One way we offer care and support to families who have welcomed new babies is by encouraging City Church members and attendees to provide meals. If you’re interested in providing meals for any (or all!) of these families, please visit citychurchrva.com/member-care for log-in info on how to access their meal calendars. 


Updates & Announcements (8.4.20)


This Month's Prayer Needs: August