Updates and Announcements (6.2.20)

June 14th Worship Service

We are planning to begin our phased re-opening of in-person worship with our June 14th service; this service will be a scaled-back (i.e. shorter) and will include social distancing and other precautionary efforts. Please keep an eye on your email and our website (citychurchrva.com) and social media channels for specific details in the next few days.

Serving Others

Volunteers are needed to continue making RPS meal distribution possible! This service is essential for many RPS families, and volunteer numbers have decreased in recent weeks. Sign up to volunteer and keep this much-needed service available for families in our community!

Offer a friendly phone call! Family Lifeline is seeking volunteers to make weekly friendly phone calls to elderly folks in Richmond to reduce social isolation. Take a few minutes once a week to brighten someone's day by signing up here: Visiting Volunteers.

To read about more opportunities to serve Richmond during this time, head over to our website.

Getting in Touch

If you are in need of anything, or are aware of someone else who is, we want to encourage you to get in touch with the church staff. Our email addresses are listed below. We've also included an email address you can use to reach the City Church deacons. Our deacons are here to help with tangible needs you might have, and they are ready and willing. Remember: caring for each other is what we do.


God's Very Good Idea


Living Our Faith: Ford and Carson City Group