Updates and Announcements (5.27.20)

Re-Opening Survey

How are you feeling about returning to in-person worship? If you haven't already, please take this brief survey put together by our Phased Re-Opening Task Force to assess the needs and desires of the congregation. We're hoping to gather as many responses as possible by tomorrow, May 27th. Thank you!

Do We Have Your Address?

Have you moved recently? Or maybe not-so-recently and we just don't have your current address on file? If so, please take a minute to fill out this form so we can make sure we've got your most up-to-date information!

Wednesday Morning Prayer

We have a tradition of praying together on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. We're still doing it, just via Zoom. We hope you'll join us tomorrow morning at 6:30am! The meeting ID is 446 682 529.

City Church Hymn Sing

Please join us for the City Church Hymn Sing on Thursday, May 28th at 7pm! We'll meet via Zoom and sing along with some of our worship leaders as they share the songs they love to lead at City Church.⁠ The meeting ID is 549 123 7601. Please join us—and invite friends! It will be a wonderful time to reconnect with one another.

Serving Others

Several City Church families have welcomed new babies over the last couple of months. We've set up a meal calendars for these families that you can access via our Member Care page (please note password info). We strongly encourage takeout and delivery options, keeping contact as low as possible. Thank you for caring for these families in this way.

There is a significant and ongoing need for face masks in our community—and you can help from home! Studio Two Three is providing a "How to Make Face Masks" guide that volunteers can follow from home. You can deliver your homemade masks to Studio Two Three between the hours of 10am and 3pm, and masks will be distributed to RVA essential workers. For more information or to sign up, go to handsonrva.org/masks.

To read about more opportunities to serve Richmond during this time, head over to our website.

Lately on the Blog

Make sure to head over to the City Church blog to find out what is on the minds of fellow City Church members. Recent posts include...

If you have something you'd like to share more widely with the City Church family, please get in touch with Val (val@citychurchrva.com). We'd love to hear from you.

Getting in Touch

If you are in need of anything, or are aware of someone else who is, we want to encourage you to get in touch with the church staff. Our email addresses are listed below. We've also included an email address you can use to reach the City Church deacons. Our deacons are here to help with tangible needs you might have, and they are ready and willing. Remember: caring for each other is what we do.


Living Our Faith: Ford and Carson City Group


Survey: How Do You Feel About Returning to In-Person Worship?