A Day of Fasting and Prayer

“...if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Throughout scripture and the history of the church, in times of great distress God’s people respond with prayer and fasting. This is an act of faith and reliance that reorients our hearts to depend less on ourselves and rely more upon our sovereign King and Father who hears us when we cry out to him and acts according to his steadfast love.

In light of the COVID-19 crisis we, the leadership of City Church, are asking you to join other churches in our Presbytery in a day of fasting and prayer on this upcoming Monday, March 23rd. During this time we will join our voices is asking for God’s mercy and guidance as our churches and government navigate the uncertainty ahead.


To fast is to abstain from food or drink in order to sharpen your sensitivity to God’s provision. Rather than relieving your hunger and thirst, in a time of fasting you use that bodily cue to draw your spirit to God in prayer. If you can’t go without food or drink, or shouldn’t for health reasons, consider something else you might give up that would serve the same purpose (e.g., social media or some other regular, daily habit).

There are different ways to fast. It could begin after dinner on Sunday night and extend until dinner on Monday night. It could be from when you wake up until you go to sleep on Monday. You could also choose a shorter period of time in which you devote yourself to a longer period of prayer. The principle is to give up something over a period of time so that you can use the time you would devote to that thing to instead pray.


Our desire is to pray together for similar requests around the same times. Offer up your own concerns to God as you are led to, but please join us in praying for the following on Monday.

9am - Healthcare Workers and Their Families
10am - Those Endangered by the Economic Downturn
11am - Our Local Government
12pm - Our Federal Government
1pm - The Church Global
2pm - The Church Regional
3pm - For City Church
4pm - For the Elderly In Our Lives
5pm - For the Children In Our Lives
6pm - For Those Who Feel Alone
7pm - For Those Who Feel Overwhelmed
8pm - For Those Who Feel Afraid
9pm - For the Glory of God

Consider using the Psalms to help guide your prayers or The Lord’s Prayer.


Living Our Faith: The Davises


Staying Connected: Grace Hendrix