Staying Connected: Grace Hendrix

During this time that we can’t be together in person, we want to give our church families as many possible ways to connect in meaningful ways. With that in mind, we would love for you to write a blog post or record a brief video or audio update sharing what this strange time is like for you and how you are seeking (and seeing!) Jesus in the midst of it. If you have something you'd like to share, email it to Val ( or contact her with ideas, suggestions, or questions.

Dear Church,

My name is Grace Hendrix. I think it’s funny that I’m writing to you, too. I go to church most Sundays and sit in the back with my twin sister.

For a little background: I’m a first-grade teacher. I adore my job. It has taught me more about Jesus than anything else in my life. It’s taught me what it is like to be loved by Him, and what He calls me to when He asks for my life. Nothing has required greater obedience and greater love. I have seen the abundance of life that God designed in my work.

My last day of school was Friday, and I’m writing this on Tuesday (March 17). I’ve been at home since Saturday. Really, I don’t know what to do right now. So far, I’ve written to my students, made videos of myself reading Frindle (a great young chapter book), and emailed back and forth with a few parents. I’ve gone running, done barre videos in my living room, and sat at my parents’ kitchen table.

The comforting thought that keeps resounding in my head is “I’m new here.”

Here’s what I mean by that. I don’t know how to be here. I’ve never been a teacher in self-quarantine before. Or a friend, or a sister, or a daughter. It’s new to me, it’s different for me, I don’t know how to do it. In my sin and pride, I typically cling to what I know and do well. This isn’t it. Though I am surprised by this new and strange season, God is not. I’m frustrated by my own lack of direction on how I am supposed to love and glorify God right now, because I barely know what I’m supposed to do with my time. God is not frustrated with me. He knows me. He loves me. He knows I am new here. He knows I don’t know these rhythms or routines. God does not need me to plan what His sovereignty, guidance, and direction will look like over the next few weeks. He does not need me to define His Lordship. He is the same and His years have no end. He’ll keep coming after me right here.

I did not imagine or want the spring to look this way. Even still, God has a great imagination for my life. He’s going to grow me and take care of me right here. He’ll still hold me here. I belong to Him right here. There will be death here, but there will be new life here, too. In my best moments, that’s what I am hoping for.


Grace Hendrix

During this time when we can't be in the same physical space, it's important that we make an intentional effort to stay connected in other ways. We would love for you to write a blog post or record a brief video or audio update sharing what this strange time is like for you and how you are seeking (and seeing!) Jesus in the midst of it. We hope to share these posts via this email newsletter, our website, and our social media channels.

If you have something you'd like to share, email it to Val ( or contact her with ideas, suggestions, or questions.


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