Leadership Training Class

Beginning on Sunday, January 21st, City Church will offer an eight-session leadership class open to all. The class will meet on Sunday mornings from 9-11am, at Boyer’s Coffee Shop, located at 5808 Grove Avenue. The overall schedule is below, but the class will meet roughly every other week from January 21st through May 6th.

What is the class about?
The leadership class is aimed at helping us better understand the Biblical principles of leadership in ministry. We will look at the life of Jesus to see how he led others. It will be full of practical examples of how to lead by grace, how to lead through service, and how to lead through your giftedness. The class will also provide a basic introduction to some of the theological foundations of City Church—ideas like Who is God, Who is Jesus, and How Can We Change. The classes will be coordinated and taught by Erik, along with help from other members of the City Church staff.

Who is the class for?
The class is required for anyone who has been nominated for the office of elder or deacon at City Church. However, we believe the content is rich and beneficial for all. If you are currently a leader at City Church or if you would like to grow in your understanding of how to lead others through ministry of the church, this class is a great fit for you.

if you have further questions about the class, feel free to reach out to Erik (erik@citychurchrva.com). If you want to sign up, please contact Val (val@citychurchrva.com).


Sunday, January 21, 2018: Relational Ministry & Theology 1: Who is God

Sunday, February 4, 2018: Ministry by Grace & Theology 2: God’s Work

Sunday, February 18, 2018: Ministry from Weakness & Theology 3: The Fall

Sunday, March 4, 2018: Ministry on Mission & Theology 4: God’s Covenant

Sunday, March 18, 2018: Leaders Who Are Led & Theology 5: Redemption

Sunday, March 25, 2018: Ministry in Community & Theology 6: Faith

Sunday, April 22, 2018: Qualities of a Leader & Theology 7: Church

Sunday, May 6, 2018: Leadership Roles (Elders, Deacons, Diaconal Assistants) & Theology 8: Sacraments


City Church Short Term Missions: Prague and Uganda


Announcements for the Week of 1.10.18