Announcements, 7.21.16


This Week's Sermon: Our summer series on the Household of God continues this week with a sermon from Joshua on 1 Timothy 4:1-16. We invite you to read ahead as a way to prepare for Sunday’s service.

Service Day Postponed: Our Service Day originally scheduled for Saturday, July 23rd is being postponed until the fall. Stay tuned for details!


Women’s Summer Suppers: Ladies, come out and join small groups of women around the city for dinner and conversation! The suppers will take place the evenings of August 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Each host will provide a main course; attendees are asked to bring a side or drinks to share. Email Tyler Joiner ( with your preferred date to sign up.

Summer Bible Studies: Our summer Bible studies are back! Our women’s group meets on Monday evenings (7:30 at Grace Covenant); our co-ed group meets on Tuesday evenings (7pm at Eric Morgan’s home); and our men’s group meets on Wednesday evenings (7:30 at Grace Covenant). All groups will be completing a study on the Fruit of the Spirit. Use this link to register. Email Joshua Earman ( with questions.


Welcome, Baby Jakubisin! Abigail Esme Jakubisin was born on July 14th at 9pm weighing in at 6 pounds, 14 ounces. We will provide meals for Emily, Daniel, and older siblings Levi, Evie, and Zoe for several weeks as they adjust to life at home with Abigail. If you're interested in serving them in this way, visit to sign up. The log-in and password are 'Jakubisin.' Please contact Julie Davis ( with questions.

RJI Yard Sale: Thank you to everyone who donated items to Richmond Justice Initiative's yard sale! The yard sale will take place this Saturday, July 23rd, 7:30am to 4pm, in the U-Turn parking lot (2101 Maywill Street).


Announcements, 7.27.2016


July 17th Service