Prepared to Love: What to Expect

This Saturday, March 5th, we'll host our first-ever pre-marital group workshop. We hope all engaged couples, soon-to-be engaged couples, and all those interested in learning more about marriage will attend. We'll meet from 9am to 12pm in room 303 at Grace Covenant. If you're interested in coming, please RSVP to Val Catrow (

Here's what we'll be doing...

Part #1: Definition of Marriage (9:15-10:15)

An exploration of how God’s covenant with us is the model for marriage. During this portion of the morning we'll also hear a testimony from a married couple about their experiences.


Break (10:15-10:30)


Part #2: Details of Marriage (10:30-11:30)

Roles within Marriage: Understanding what is a Gospel-centered husband and wife and how Jesus embodies principles found in both roles.

Communication: Addressing why communication is hard and what we can do to improve.

Finances/Budget: Looking at how we find meaning in money and what it means to steward God's resources.


Session #3: Declaration of Marriage (11:30-12)

An overview of the wedding ceremony and information on pre-marital counseling, including the Prepare/Enrich Assessment (geared towards couples already in the process of planning their weddings).


Announcements, 3.2.16


Announcements, 2.24.16