Updated COVID 19 Protocols

Issued 1/13/2022


In the past, when we have received word of a positive COVID-19 test result from any individual who has recently attended worship, we have sent a church-wide email. With what we now know about the specifics of COVID-19 transmission and exposure, we are transitioning away from that approach. Instead, we will focus on assisting those who have tested positive with notifying close contacts as needed.

That said, if you have tested positive and have recently attended a worship service, we 1) ask that you notify immediately those with whom you had prolonged contact (within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more) before, during, or after the service and 2) encourage you to get in touch with the City Church staff should you need help with that process.

Monitoring Symptoms
Please continue to monitor your symptoms. If you are sick or showing symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle pain, loss of taste/smell, GI issues), please refrain from attending worship.

Recommendations for quarantine and isolation practices were updated in December. For more information, visit VDH's website.

We continue to recommend that all individuals (ages 4 and up) wear masks while in the building, regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status. Masks are still required indoors for all Children’s Ministry volunteers and all children taking part in Children’s Worship.


Moving Forward
Our Re-Opening Task Force will meet in the coming weeks to continue its ongoing assessment of our COVID-19 protocols. We will notify you of any additional updates via email, our website, and social media as they are made available.

As always, if you have questions or concerns, please reach out to me or another member of the Re-Opening Task Force (members listed below).

Stay well and do good,
Erik (erik@citychurchrva.com)

Re-Opening Task Force Members:
Adam Bailey
David Boyce
Cara Campbell
Liza Clark
Mack Hendrix
Stefan Kling
Jennifer Murphy
Caitlin Wise