This Month’s Prayer Needs: February 2022

At City Church we strive to be a community of prayer dependent on God for His purpose, protection, and provision. Please join us in praying for the following…

Please pray that members of City Church who work as administrative professionals would speak words of encouragement in their workplaces; patiently serve others in such a way that Christ is displayed and glorified; and seek to wholeheartedly serve the Lord as they use their administrative talents to contribute to the mission and health of the organizations they support.

For Richmond is a nonprofit organization that connects and equips Christian leaders to collaborate for the transformation of Metro Richmond. Under the leadership of Matt and Anna Shenk, For Richmond helps unite churches and communities behind issues that are larger than any one organization can tackle, cultivating the space and focus for individuals to have greater impact through unity of vision and resources. Please join Matt and Anna in praying for their work to bring churches together to address issues like racial reconciliation, foster care needs, and support for refugees here in the Richmond area. Please also pray as they prepare to add a third staff member to their team. For more information on For Richmond, visit

Boas and Jenna Opedun are missionaries currently serving in Fort Portal, Uganda with their son, Nile. Please join them in praising God that the Opeduns were approved this summer to serve another five-year term in Uganda! Jenna is continuing her work at Women of the Proverbs and Green Leaf Crafts. Boas has launched a pioneer role of media specialist serving the East Africa Serge teams with his gifts for photography and cinematography. Please pray for the Opeduns as they continue their work in Uganda—that God brings forward the financial support needed to make their missionary work as a family possible; that they are able to share the Gospel freely with those they encounter in their work; and for strength as they manage the very real challenges of missionary life. For updates on the Opeduns, you can email Jenna at

Pray that we be a church that recognizes and treats all people as bearers of God’s image. Pray that we be bold in our efforts to name racism when we see it. Pray that we respond to racism by standing in solidarity with our brothers and sisters who have suffered due to racial injustice, being witnesses to the God who has reconciled all things to himself and brought peace through the blood of Jesus Christ. May we hold fast to these words from Micah 6:8: “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”


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