This Month's Prayer Needs: July

At City Church we strive to be a community of prayer dependent on God for His purpose, protection, and provision. Please join us in praying for these community members and partners this month.

Everyday Doxologists: Medical Professionals

Please pray for members of City Church who serve as medical professionals. Pray that they: daily seek wisdom and insight as they handle each individual case before them; know that God’s calling on their lives is invaluable; have opportunities to share the Gospel in the great field of medicine; and receive encouragement each day to renew their spirits and sustain their energy.

Local Mission Partner: CrossOver Healthcare

CrossOver Healthcare Ministry provides quality and compassionate health care to the uninsured in the greater Richmond Metropolitan area in the name of Jesus Christ. CrossOver offers a full continuum of health care services, operating two free clinics located in areas of identified need in Richmond. CrossOver also recently began offering COVID-19 testing and reports a positive test rate of about 40 percent. Please pray for CrossOver’s staff and volunteers as they provide care for those who need it most in the midst of a pandemic that is hitting vulnerable populations especially hard. Pray for CrossOver’s patients—that the care they receive ultimately points them to the One who cares for them most. Additionally, as CrossOver is solely dependent upon the generosity of philanthropic minded donors, please pray for continued generosity from their supporters. For more information, please visit

Global Mission Partner: Jenna Opendum

Jenna Opendum (formerly Murphy) is a City Church member and missionary serving in Fort Portal, Uganda through Serge with her husband, Boas. Jenna currently works at Women of the Proverbs and Green Leaf Craft Studio. Please join her in praising God for how He has made it possible for Jenna and Boas to help many of their neighbors with urgent medical and food needs during this pandemic. Jenna and Boas are expecting their first child in mid-August and will be traveling to city of Kampala this month where they will await the arrival of their baby; she asks for prayer for their community in Fort Portal while they are gone. She also asks that we pray for continued protection from COVID-19 and, of course, the safe delivery of a healthy baby!


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