Updates & Announcements (6.9.20)

June 14th Worship Service: Re-Opening Guidelines & Registration

We are planning to begin our phased re-opening of in-person worship with our June 14th service; this service will be a scaled-back (i.e. shorter) and will include social distancing and other precautionary efforts. Please carefully review these guidelines (PDF) so you know what to expect and are aware of certain logistics we are putting into place. Reminder: we will livestream Sunday's service and provide a worship guide for those who cannot or are not ready to return to in-person worship yet.

Part of our phased re-opening guidelines includes asking you to register for Sunday's service if you are planning to participate in our in-person worship. You can do so here. Registration for Sunday's service will close at 6pm on Friday so staff has time to assign seats. Your household will be notified via email of your assigned seat 24 hours before the worship service.

Wednesday Prayer

City Church has a tradition of prayer together on 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 6:30am. For the last few months we've been doing that virtually, but this Wednesday we will meet in-person. We'll pray outside of Grace Covenant and in Lee Circle. Please join us—we will practice physical distance, and masks are encouraged and appreciated.

Session Meeting Sunday

The City Church Session will meet on Sunday, June 14th. If you have any questions, concerns, or prayer requests you'd like address, please contact Erik (erik@citychurchrva.com).

City Church Forum: In Richmond as it Is in Heaven

Loving our neighbor means being an informed and involved citizen. In this forum we will explore what that looks likes regarding the complex of issues surrounding racial injustice in Richmond with the hope of provoking introspection and moving us towards faithful action. Join us on Monday, June 15th, from 8pm to 9:30pm on Zoom (Meeting ID: 549 123 7601). We'll hear from Ross Catrow, Kathryn Parkhurst, and Mark Kronenthal, who will offer some historic and civic context to our conversation, as well as Erik, who will offer a Biblical and pastoral point of view. Contact Harrison (harrison@citychurchrva.com) with questions.

Serving Others

Help Youth Life Foundation prepare for summer programming through City Church's supply drive! Sign up to donate cleaning items (Clorox spray/wipes, hand sanitizer, hand soap, paper towels, tissues, empty spray bottles, gloves) and/or school supplies (crayons, glue sticks, scissors, mini pencil sharpeners, pencil boxes/pouches). Leave your donations your porch this Thursday, June 11th to be picked up by City Church members between 6pm and 7pm. Questions? Contact Shannon Brito at shannonessad16@gmail.com

Volunteers are needed to continue making RPS meal distribution possible! This service is essential for many RPS families, and volunteer numbers have decreased in recent weeks. Sign up to volunteer and keep this much-needed service available for families in our community!

To read about more opportunities to serve Richmond during this time, head over to our website.

Getting in Touch

If you are in need of anything, or are aware of someone else who is, we want to encourage you to get in touch with the church staff. Our email addresses are listed below. We've also included an email address you can use to reach the City Church deacons. Our deacons are here to help with tangible needs you might have, and they are ready and willing. Remember: caring for each other is what we do.


"...so they called it Juneteenth."


City Church Re-Opening Guidelines