Updates and Announcements (4.21.20)

Reminder About City Church Events

As restrictions on gatherings continue, all in-person City Church events are canceled until further notice. 

Reading Scripture Together

Last Sunday, we started a new sermon series called Clothed in Christ, focused on Colossians 3:12-17. As a way to feel more connected through this series, we'd love it if you'd send us videos of you reading the passage for us to share on social media. You can email them to val@citychurchrva.com or post your own and tag us (@citychurchrva). Let's read God's word together!

Blocking Out Service Dates

While we're not sure when we'll be able to worship together in the same space, we do want to be ready for it when the time comes. If you are a current volunteer, please block out dates you CANNOT serve June-September in the Services app ASAP. We'll be in touch with additional details about the volunteer schedule soon. If you'd like to start volunteering, just fill out this form, and we'll get you connected.

Trivia Night!

Mark your calendars: City Church Trivia Night, Thursday, April 30th, 8pm. More coming soon!

Zoom Gatherings

Here's what we've got lined up. We hope you'll join us as you're able. And please note, all Zoom meeting links are easily accessible on our website—just click on the link in the gray bar at the top of the homepage.

We have a tradition of praying together at 6:30am on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays—and right now, we're doing that virtually on Zoom. Please join us! (Meeting ID: 446 682 529). ⁠

We have two standing meetings available for women. First, the women from our Wednesday morning Bible study meet on Monday evenings at 8pm, and ALL ladies are welcome to join. Access that meeting via this link (Meeting ID: 326 961 861 / Password: 097534)—that meeting is recurring, so you can use that link each week. Second, we have a lunchtime get-together/check-in on Thursdays at 12pm. Access that meeting via this link (Meeting ID: 600 285 389 / Password: 043618) — that meeting is also recurring.

On Wednesdays at 6:30pm, we have our weekly Zoom meet-up with our upper elementary City Kids via this link (Meeting ID: 549 123 7601). This will give the kids a chance to see one another, read the Bible together, and talk about how things are going. 

On Thursdays at 10:30am, Jennifer will host a Zoom lesson with our Children's Worship kids. Access that meeting via this link (Meeting ID: 987 306 615 / Password: 527153).

Jennifer will be meeting with our nursery-age children (and their parents!) at 9am on Fridays to share a Bible lesson, touch base with the kids and their families, and just give them a chance to connect with each other. You can access that meeting via this link (Meeting ID: 257 810 405 / Password: 585661) each week.

Our Youth Group (middle school and up) will continue to meet virtually every Sunday at 7pm via this link (Meeting ID: 549 123 7601). 

Serving Others

Naomi June Turner was born on April 14th, weighing in at 8 pounds, 10 ounces. We’ve set up a meal calendar for them that you can access on our Member Care page. We strongly encourage takeout and delivery options, keeping contact as low as possible. We hope you’ll consider sending a meal to the Turners as they adjust to life as a family of four!

City Church is supporting Swansboro Elementary, a Title I school on the Southside of Richmond, through a Diaper and Cleaning Supply Drive. We are collecting diapers of all sizes and any cleaning supplies available (hand sanitizer, Colorox wipes, etc.) to distribute to Swansboro families. Participants can leave items on their porches or in mailboxes on Wednesday, May 6th, and City Church members will pick them up between 6 and 7pm. These items will be distributed to families by Ellen Ficker, who attends City Church and works at Swansboro Elementary. Sign up to donate supplies using this link: City Church Swansboro Supply Drive. You can contact Ellen Ficker with questions at 757-714-5621 or ellenejones91@gmail.com. Thank you for supporting this community!

We are working to identify other ways City Church can be of service to one another and the city we call home during this time. We will share updates on those opportunities as they become available. 

Staying Connected, Getting in Touch

During this time when we can't be in the same physical space, it's important that we make an intentional effort to stay connected in other ways.

In addition to encouraging you to check in one another via phone calls, text messages, and emails, we want to offer a chance for us to connect more broadly. We would love for you to write a blog post or record a brief video or audio update sharing what this strange time is like for you and how you are seeking (and seeing!) Jesus in the midst of it. We hope to share these posts via this email newsletter, our website, and our social media channels.

We've been fortunate to hear from a few folks already. If you haven't yet, we hope you'll take a moment to visit our blog to read what they've shared.

If you have something you'd like to share, email it to Val (val@citychurchrva.com) or contact her with ideas, suggestions, or questions.

We also want to encourage you to get in touch with the church staff if you are in need of anything, or are aware of someone else who is. Our email addresses are listed below. We've also included an email address you can use to reach the City Church deacons. Our deacons are here to help with tangible needs you might have, and they are ready and willing. Please reach out if there's something you need.

Remember: we're all in this together, and caring for each other is what we do.


Living Our Faith: Pete and Sarah Lyon


Living Our Faith: Anne-Stewart Freeman