Recommended Reading: 5 Things Singles Wish Married Couples Knew

(Image courtesy of The Gospel Coalition)

The church talks a lot about marriage. It needs to talk about singleness, too. In her article 5 Things Singles Wish Married Couples Knew, published by The Gospel Coalition last month, Jennifer Grisham offers helpful, biblically-supported insight to get the conversation started. 

According to Grisham, single people want married people to know that...

1. God settles the solitary in a family–and it might be yours.
2. Marriage is sanctifying, but so is singleness.
3. Our singleness doesn't define us. You can help us remember that.
4. Culture lies to us a lot.
5. Don't expect all your single friends to get married.

That's compelling, important stuff for the entire church to consider. Read the full article here.


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