Preparing for 2018 Online Giving & Receipting Changes

As of Monday, January 1, 2018, City Church will begin accepting online contributions through a new-to-us web-based platform: Planning Center. Planning Center offers a variety of church management tools (giving-related and beyond) that we are very excited about, but we’ll need your help in making sure this transition goes as smoothly as possible.

Here’s where you come in: when we make the official switch to Planning Center, any recurring online gifts set up through our current system (Fellowship One) will no longer process. 

**UPDATE: Due to the New Year's holiday weekend, our services with Fellowship One will terminate on Friday, December 29th.**

Approximately 60% of the offerings we receive from our members and regular attenders are made through our website. To avoid any gaps in giving when we make this change, we hope that those of you who make contributions to City Church through our website will take a moment to set up recurring contributions for 2018 in Planning Center now. The process is quick and easy, and Planning Center allows you to make contributions via all major credit cards (including American Express) or ACH transfers.

Please note: To keep our 2017 receipting process streamlined, please only schedule contributions for January 2018 and beyond.

Visit this link to get started:

Another giving option is to set up your recurring contributions via your bank’s online bill pay. This setup gives your bank permission to send us a check at the frequency of your choosing.*

Regardless of which giving option you choose (through the website, through your bank, through the mail, or in person on Sundays), all contributions for 2018 and beyond will be tracked and receipted through Planning Center’s database.

Thank you for your attention to this as we get ready to make this change. If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

*While we want you to choose the giving method that works best for you, please note that online giving platforms withhold a small percentage of each contribution to cover processing fees. Contributions made via check (sent by mail, given in person, or sent through your bank’s online bill pay) impose few-to-no fees, ensuring that more of your contribution goes directly to City Church.


Announcements for the Week of 12.6.17


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