Why City Church Cares About a Global City Like Prague

1. God has a great global purpose

Reading the Old and New Testament, we see God declare he is not a tribal deity or confined to a particular country but is the Creator of all and he calls people from all nations to come and worship him.  

All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD, And all the families of the nations will worship before You. For the kingdom is the LORD’S And He rules over the nations.
— Psalm 22:27-28

Across the globe, more people each day are hearing God's plan of restoration through faith in Jesus Christ. Daily the church of God is growing and maturing. We pray for churches across the globe to live for Jesus courageously and in hope of God's redeeming power.

2. We enter God's global purpose as we partner with like-minded churches

We can care about Richmond while also caring for other cities to hear about Jesus. All nations need to witness transformed communities who live for God and speak forth the testimony of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. As a congregation, we partner with several churches and missionary teams and with them take part in mutual encouragement and ministry. This happens through prayer, sharing of resources, and short term trips to labor together. 

Phil and Shanna Davis serve in Prague in an international church similar to City Church. Both our cities include vibrant arts communities, growing business opportunities, and are education destinations. Where most Richmonders would describe themselves as Christian, residents of Prague predominately describe themselves as atheist. The Davis’ and their congregation, like us,  share with their neighbors the news of Jesus Christ and faithfully demonstrate life with him through love and service. 

The Davis’ visited City Church in August and shared stories of lives changing and the effects this has on Prague. Helping immigrants who are streaming across Europe, answering questions posed by students, and showing hospitality to the international community working in the city all flow out of their knowledge of the love of God found in Jesus. But the work is hard and can be lonely. As a church we pray for their perseverance and strength. 

After watching the video below describing their work, pray 2 Timothy 4:17 for their church:

The Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so that through me the proclamation might be fully accomplished, and that all the Gentiles might hear; and I was rescued out of the lion’s mouth.
— 2 Timothy 4:17

Use those words from Paul as a great encouragement, a great incentive, a great hope for them–and also for our church–to continue to venture toward something new and radical for Jesus: taking the message of salvation to the world.




Mark: Jesus is King


Announcements, 9.7.16