Announcements, 8.31.16

This Week's Sermon

We'll continue our series, Always Growing, with a sermon from Erik on Colossians 1:9-14. We encourage you to read ahead as a way to prepare for Sunday's service.

(Need to get caught up? Listen to the first sermon

Happening This Week

  • Meet & Greet: All are welcome to join us for coffee and snacks in the parlor immediately after Sunday's service. Nothing formal–just a chance to enjoy some refreshments, catch up with friends, and make some new ones.
  • City Group Sign-Ups: City Church is not a church with small groups but a church of small groups. At City Church we call these groups City Groups. City Groups meet in neighborhoods across the city for Bible study, meals, and service projects. Groups will begin meeting for the 2016-2017 year the week of Labor Day. If you'd like to learn more, email Joshua at
  • The True Life Course Registration (NEW Christian Formation Class): Christians often attempt to do the work of God by their own efforts rather than by faith leaving us anxious and uncertain on how to live as Christians. Modeled on the life-changing “Sonship” course, The True Life Course will look more deeply at what it means to be justified by faith and adopted as a child of God so we can live out our true identity in Jesus. We'll meet on Tuesday evenings from 7pm to 8:45pm for 12 weeks beginning September 13th; all meetings will take place in room 303 at Grace Covenant. Cost is $20 (free for college students). To register, head over to the City Church website. Registration closes on September 7th. Please email Joshua ( with questions.

Coming Up Soon

  • Ladies Happy Hours: Ladies, please join us for a week of happy hours! We’ll meet on Tuesday, September 6th at Kitchen 64; Wednesday, September 7th at Chuy’s; and Thursday, September 8th at Quirk’s rooftop bar Drop by any time between 5:30 and 7:30pm. 
  • Women's Discipleship Groups: This fall, our Women’s Ministry Discipleship Team is forming and cultivating our discipleship ministry. If you are interested in participating in a smaller group of women (3-4 women) who seek to study the Bible together and care for each other, please consider joining a Women's Discipleship Group! Contact Tracye Woodfin ( to sign up.
  • Race and the Church: The next installment of Race and the Church will take place on Saturday, September 10th at 9am at West End Presbyterian Church (9008 Quiocassin Road). This session is entitled "Welcome to the Margins: What the Evangelical Church Can Learn From Persecuted Christians." Carl and Karen Ellis will lead the discussion. For more information–and to register–visit
  • City Church Basics:  Our next session of City Church Basics will take place on Friday, September 16th (7 to 9:30pm) and Saturday, September 17th (9:30am to noon) at Grace Covenant. City Church Basics explains who we are as a church and what it means to be a member. It is a necessary step towards formally joining the church, although membership is not required. If you’re interested in taking part in this next session, please RSVP to Val Catrow ( Contact Erik ( with questions.
  • The Gospel at Work Conference: Our friends at The Gospel at Work have a conference planned for Friday, September 23rd (6:30pm) and Saturday, September 24th (12:30pm), at Redemption Hill’s building in Woodland Heights. Details can be found on the conference website. For those of you particularly interested in the intersection of faith and work, this conference promises to offer another perspective on how to live faithfully in the workplace. Speakers include: David Platt, Greg Gilbert, Bobby Ukrop, and Valerie Kling. 
  • Q Commons: A group from Richmond is hosting a Q Commons livestream event on Thursday, October 13th, at 7pm at the Veritas School in the Northside. This event, entitled Our Divided Nation, features video from national speakers like Ravi Zacharias and Ross Douthat and live, in-person talks from local Richmonders who will speak to ways that our divided city can be healed. Visit for more information. 

Serving Our Community

  • CARITAS: We are partnering again with Grace Covenant for a fulfilling week serving the homeless community in our church during the week of October 1st through 8th. Last year, 30 City Church volunteers came out throughout the week. We are run 100 percent by volunteers, and we need your help! This is a great opportunity for City Groups or individuals alike. We need help with meal preps, overnight volunteers, evening shower runs to YMCA, laundry help, Saturday set up, and final Saturday take down. There will also be a donations box in the Narthex for needed personal care items. If you're interested in volunteering, please use this link to sign up.
  • Children's Ministry Volunteers Needed: Ministry team leaders are in the process of creating our October-January volunteer schedule, and we are in need of 14 nursery volunteers and 13 Children's Worship volunteers. If you're interested in or able to serve City Church in this way, please email Jennifer ( or Jim ( 

Thinking About...Always Growing


Welcome Back Sunday: Reminders and What to Expect