Announcements, 8.26.16


This Week’s Sermon: We will begin a new sermon series (entitled “Always Growing) on Sunday as Erik preaches on Colossians 1:1-8. We invite you to read ahead as a way to prepare for Sunday’s service.

City Groups: City Church is not a church with small groups, but a church of small groups. At City Church, we call these groups “City Groups.” City Groups meet in neighborhoods across the city for Bible study, meals, and service projects. City Groups will start meeting for the 2016-2017 year the week of Labor Day. If you’d like to learn more or get connected, email Joshua at

City Church Basics: Our next session of City Church Basics will take place on Friday, September 16th (7 to 9:30pm) and Saturday, September 17th (9:30am to noon) at Grace Covenant. City Church Basics explains who we are as a church and what it means to be a member. It is a necessary step towards formally joining the church, although membership is not required. If you’re interested in taking part in this next session, please RSVP to Val Catrow ( Contact Erik ( with questions.


Prayer Tomorrow: At City Church we strive to be a community of prayer dependent on God for His purpose, protection, and provision. Join us tomorrow, August 25th, at 7am to pray. Meet in the Church office, 3rd floor at Grace Covenant. Enter in the back entrance of building. We hope to see you there. (City Church prayer takes place the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month).

Welcome Back Sunday: All are welcome to join us for dinner immediately after our service on August 28th to celebrate Welcome Back Sunday. This is a time when will share a meal, reconnect with students coming back for the new semester, and learn about what we’ve got coming up in the fall. Dinner will be served in the Fellowship Hall. City Church will provide the main dish. Last names A-M, please bring sides. Last names N-Z, please bring desserts. Use this form to RSVP so we are able to plan accordingly. And please bring friends! Also: if you’re interested in helping with setup, cleanup, or providing larger side dishes or desserts, you can sign up here.


Meals for the Days: Robert Parker Day was born on Sunday, August 21st, weighing in at 8 pounds, 11 ounces! We’ll provide Sarah, Stephen, and big siblings Daisy and Calvin with meals for several weeks as they adjust to life as a family of five. If you’d like to serve the Days in this way, please visit; the log-in and password are Day.

Volunteering at City Church: Our ministry team leaders are in the process of putting together the October-January volunteer schedule. New volunteers are ALWAYS welcome, and volunteering is a great way to get involved with City Church on a practical level. Volunteer opportunities include (but aren’t limited to): nursery, Chidlren’s Worship, welcome team, facilities, prayer team, and even baking communion bread. If you’re interested in learning more about these opportunties, please contact Val Catrow ( or any member of the City Church staff or session.

Mercy Fund on Sunday: In addition to our regular offering, we will take up a special Mercy Fund offering during Sunday’s service, as we always do on the last Sunday of the month. Whatever is given to the Mercy Fund will be kept separate from our general budget and will be used to aid those in our congregation, and in our community, who have emergency needs. Please prayerfully consider what you might give.


Women's Discipleship Groups


Announcements, 8.10.16