The True Life Course: Relearning Life-Changing Truths
This past fall, I had the privilege of taking The True Life Course, taught by City Church's Assistant Pastor Joshua Earman.
The True Life course is a 12-week discipleship program aimed at teaching the basics of the gospel. The course included teaching on topics such as justification, adoption, forgiveness, sanctification, and the Holy Spirit. I know from experience that it is easy to become numb to these life-changing truths. There is a big difference in knowing the “right answers” intellectually, and actually living in such a way as if they were true. I am convinced that no matter where you are on your journey with Christ, the importance of these foundational beliefs can never be underestimated.
The class was divided into a time of direct teaching and small group discussion/accountability. I loved the time I had with the other ladies in the class to process what we were learning and to pray for each other. One of the most valuable parts of the course was the teaching on our identity in Christ. We were given the opportunity to consider again the truth that because of Jesus’ complete work on our behalf, we are fully accepted and declared righteous in God’s sight. I began to realize how much I still attempt to justify myself and how I tend to live as an orphan instead of as a child of God.
Before I took this course, I found it difficult to receive criticism about my weaknesses or sin. I avoided mistakes at all costs. But now, asking the Lord to search my heart and expose my sin is not so threatening. While the depth of my sin is worse than I could imagine, we serve a gracious God who is full of mercy and forgiveness. I have always loved the hymn “Come Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy.” This line always resonates with me:
“All the fitness He requireth, is to feel your need of Him.”
I am learning that God wants us to continually admit our weaknesses and come to Him with a heart of repentance. But the good news is that because of Jesus, we are able to approach His throne of grace with boldness and confidence.
I am so thankful I decided to take the True Life course, and I highly recommend it!
The True Life Course is one example of City Church's Christian Formation classes. If you'd like to learn about our upcoming course offerings, head over to our Christian Formation & Education page, or contact Joshua at