Announcements, 8.3.16


This Week’s Sermon: Our summer series on the Household of God continues this week with a sermon from Erik on 1 Timothy 5:17-6:2. We invite you to read ahead as a way to prepare for Sunday’s service.

Session Meeting: The Session will meet this weekend. If you have any questions or prayer requests you'd like address, please contact Erik (

City Church Basics: Our next session of City Church Basics will take place on Friday, September 16th (7 to 9:30pm) and Saturday, September 17th (9:30am to noon) at Grace Covenant. City Church Basics explains who we are as a church and what it means to be a member. It is a necessary step towards formally joining the church, although membership is not required. If you’re interested in taking part in this next session, please RSVP to Val Catrow ( Contact Erik ( with questions.

Q&A with Jim! Jim Pulizzi is about to finish out his first month as our new Director of Children & Families. Take a minute to read this quick Q&A to get to know him a bit better.


Dinner with the Davises: Phil and Shanna Davis will worship with us (and Phil will preach) on Sunday, August 14th. Phil and Shanna are City Church ministry partners currently living and serving as church planters in Prague--they've also hosted two City Church summer missions teams. We'll host a dinner for Phil and Shanna after church on the 14th in room 303 (5:30pm-7:00pm) so we can reconnect with them and hear their latest updates. Please join us! Contact Joshua ( with questions.

Welcome Back Sunday: All are welcome to join us for dinner immediately after our service on August 28th to celebrate Welcome Back Sunday. This is a time when will share a meal, reconnect with students coming back for the new semester, and learn about what we’ve got coming up in the fall. Dinner will be served in the Fellowship Hall. City Church will provide the main dish. Last names A-M, please bring sides. Last names N-Z, please bring desserts. Use this form to RSVP so we are able to plan accordingly. And please bring friends!


East End Pregnancy Test & Help Center — Volunteer Training: EEPC, a City Church Ministry Partner, is looking for more volunteers! The next training session is on Saturday, August 6th from 11am to 4pm. Come to learn how you can get involved in equipping women to choose life for the children in their womb. Lunch provided. RSVP to


Announcements, 8.10.16


Thinking About...Finances