Should I Go to the Men's Overnight?

If you haven’t heard about the upcoming annual men’s overnight, it’s happening THIS WEEKEND! We’ll be traveling to Chanco on the James for our annual stay of fellowship, games, worship, and good ol' guy time. We’ll be meeting at Chanco from Saturday 12p to Sunday 12p, and there’s a registration form here if you haven’t signed up yet. If you’re new to City Church or haven’t been to the overnight and are wondering what it looks like, here are a few details to add color:


What should I expect from this Chanco place?

  • Chanco is a grown man’s playground disguised as a retreat center. It’s located on the bank of the James River about 40 minutes southeast of Richmond.
  • Sleeping options include a bed in a house, a cot in a screened bunkhouse, or a tent in a field (BYO tent).
  • FIRE!

What should I look forward to?

  • 24 hours of unplugged and relatively unstructured relaxation. 
  • Spending time with guys you know and some you should get to know.
  • FIRE!

How will we spend time with God?

  • We’ll meet Saturday night and Sunday morning to sing a couple songs, hear a personal testimony, and study the Word together
  • Fellowship with each other throughout the weekend
  • Conversations around the….FIRE!

What happens during all the free time?

  • Sports of all sorts–bball, cycling, frisbee, spike ball, corn hole, etc.
  • Games–cards, Catan, etc.
  • Plunges into the river.
  • Reading/napping/whatever you don’t get to do at home.
  • FIRE!

Food is provided, but what exactly will we eat all weekend?

  • All the meats and very few vegetables
  • S'mores (somebody remember to bring s'mores)
  • Coffee 24/ this case just 24
  • Breakfast: eggs, bacon, pancakes, twizzlers
  • Anything else you want to cook on…the FIRE!

Any advice for first-timers?

  • Please join us and get to know us! We need friends.
  • If you’re asked to ride in a boat to Chanco, say no.
  • Feel free to invite your friends and bring your favorite games
  • All are welcome whether you already know Jesus, have questions about who He is, or are just now starting to explore your thoughts on faith.
  • Don’t get too close to….the FIRE!

We really do hope you can join us; it’s not too late to sign up.  Wherever you are with your faith, we’d love to get to know you and hang out with you. This weekend is a great opportunity to see and be a part of the community of men at City Church. If you have any questions at all, including carpooling, send an email to Frank Allen (  See you there!




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