New Sermon Series: Secrets of the Kingdom

For the next six weeks City Church will dig into Jesus's teachings on kingdom growth through a sermon series, entitled Secrets of the Kingdom, exploring the parables recorded in Matthew 13. 

The painting above was created by our own Alee Johnson in response to the parables we'll be studying. Alee's work will be on display in the Narthex (and an image of the painting will serve as our bulletin cover) throughout the series. We hope you'll take some time to consider it—here and on upcoming Sundays.

Here are some thoughts from Alee to get you started...

"It is fascinating to observe the power of the parable—something so small and simple as a mustard seed but contains the ability to expand into so much. I wish to emulate this idea using the single, tiny mustard seed as it sprouts and spreads in abundance amidst the rows of yellow crop.  In the same way, I hope to communicate the message Jesus conveys to us in the parable of the sower—what it looks like when we truly understand and spread the word of God. 

'This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.'(Matthew 13:23)

As I laid layers of texture and paint, I hoped to provide a more tangible experience of the parables’ indistinct but also effective image of the kingdom of heaven. Within the layers of the parables and the painting, we are led to uncover the hidden treasure and pearl of God’s continually bountiful love that transcends heaven and earth. " 

Thank you to Alee for contributing this work to our newest sermon series!


Announcements for the Week of 4.19.17


Should I Go to the Men's Overnight?