Why We Happy Hour

A week from today, women from City Church and friends will gather for happy hour at Quirk Hotel. I am thankful to be a part of a church that sees life in God’s kingdom as a full-life experience. We gather on Sunday to worship together as the central touch point for church and then all of the other days we go out into the world—to work, family, friendship, and so on. When we gather for small groups, play dates, coffee, we help remind each other that all that we do matters to the Lord—even happy hour. So here are a few reasons that happy hour is good for us. 

Love Your City. Richmond is an amazing city and an incredible place to live. We like doing happy hours around town so we can help each other love and enjoy where we live together. Quirk is one of many places in Richmond that is championing Richmond. By showing up to Quirk and other local establishments, in a way we are investing in our city for it’s good.

Connect with Others and Have Fun. Happy hours (and other social times like it) are a great opportunity to make face to face connections with each other. Whether you have been a long-time member of the City Church community, you are brand new, or you bring friends who would never come to church, it is good to be together. We have been made for friendship and relationship, and sometimes something as simple as making social connections creates the possibility for spiritual connections. When we connect with each other outside of Sunday services, we are able to see more facets of our lives. There is so much more going on in our hearts and lives than can be glimpsed in an hour and a half on Sunday afternoons. 

City Church hopes to be a place that celebrates all parts of our lives trusting that God is working in all facets of who we are and what we do. Sometimes we need activities like happy hours and parties to give space to create and cultivate relationships—new and established—so we can see each other in all of who we are.  

And, let’s be honest. It’s just fun and good to enjoy a drink with friends! 

Care Because of Connection. As Christians, connections with one another lead us to care for one another. Life is not always easy; for most of us we don’t experience happy hour every day. But, when we can, investing in people in fun times helps us care for each other in harder times. When we ask questions, take an interest in the lives of another, or simply have fun together, we are practicing hospitality. In Christ, our hospitality is evidence of God’s love in us and for others. 

Ladies, please join us on Monday, April 24th, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at Quirk Hotel (201 W. Broad Street). Contact Meg Haden at meg@citychurchrva.com with questions. 



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Announcements for the Week of 4.12.17