Partners Emilie Saunders Partners Emilie Saunders

Meals Matter

Find out about an easy (but incredibly meaningful) way to serve some of our younger neighbors in Church Hill.

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Partners Jamie Mock Partners Jamie Mock

Uganda 2018: Re-entry and Reflections

It's 5am EST Thursday morning as I write this letter, still fairly tired from the flight, but mostly tired from the constancy of a busy schedule. It is early afternoon in Fort Portal, and I wonder what the friends we made are doing, and whether they were as encouraged by our time together as I was with them.

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Partners Laura Williams Partners Laura Williams

Short Term Missions: Why Do We Go?

We are compelled, as followers of Christ, to go to all the world and share the good news. When we do, it may not look like we imagine it. Sometimes we’ll watch God use us to change others. More often, we’ll watch God change us.

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