A Letter from the Missions Team

Dear City Church Family,

At City Church, we believe that while missions is not the ultimate goal of the church, it is a part of worship.  It is a way in which we make Him known and lead others into worship. We are compelled by the Spirit to share Christ with every nation and in every tongue. As we strive to do so, we ask for prayer that God would lead us to the places and people that need Him most.

City Church partners with many different missions organizations both domestically and abroad. We do this is through financial support, prayer, and service.

We are writing to ask for prayer, specifically for upcoming short term mission trips. A short term mission trip is an avenue for us to work alongside organizations and individuals on the field, with the purpose of: revealing the good news of Jesus in word and deed and to encourage and assist missionaries and agencies as they labor to proclaim the gospel. This is a mutually beneficial partnership where the short term team seeks to love, learn and serve in humility. Currently, we have two partnerships that we are asking God to lead us in the way we serve this summer. Those partnerships are: Jenna Murphy in Uganda and the Davis family and Faith Community Church in Prague, Czech Republic.

Would you to commit to praying for these specific partnerships once a week for the rest of the month of January?  As a church we want to wisely discern where to serve short term this summer and how to partner well with these locations for the future. 

UGANDA: Jenna Murphy is one year into her five-year commitment with Serge to serve for five years in Fort Portal, Uganda, working at Women of the Proverbs and Green Leaf Craft Studio. She teaches Bible studies and oversees a program teaching women textile skills and how to start a business. As part of a team in Fort Portal, she also serves the local church by getting to know her neighbors and telling them about the love of Jesus.

PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC: Phil and Shanna Davis are missionaries with Serge, and Phil pastors a church called Faith Community. There they lead a team of other missionaries seeking to proclaim and embody the gospel in this highly secularized city in Eastern Europe. There are multiple opportunities, especially for students and young professionals to serve alongside the church through English camps, relational discipleship, and anti-human trafficking efforts.

Please pray that: 

  • God will help us see how He is currently at work in these areas and create opportunities for partnership
  • God will raise leaders for potential short term trips this summer
  • God will raise individuals able and willing to serve on short term trips this summer
  • God will strengthen our relationships with our current missions partners

If you're interested in joining the Prague team, please contact Harrison Ford (harrison.ford@ruf.org). Please contact Joshua Earman (joshua@citychurchrva.com) if you're interested in joining the Uganda team.

Thank you,

City Church Missions Team


Announcements for the Week of 1.10.18


Announcements for the Week of 1.3.18