Worship Announcements: August 30, 2020

Getting Connected

Online Connection Card
If you’re new to City Church, need to update your contact information, want to join our email list, and/or would like to share a prayer request with our pastors and staff, please go to citychurchrva.com/connect to fill out an Online Connection Card.

We encourage all members and regular attendees at City Church to give as part of your worshipful gratitude to God and as an opportunity to partner tangibly with all that God is doing at and through City Church. You can place your contribution in the offering box by the main sanctuary doors or visit citychurchrva.com for online giving options. If you are visiting City Church, please don’t feel any compulsion to give. God wants our hearts far more than He needs our money. 

Registering for In-Person Worship
Part of our phased re-opening guidelines includes asking you to register for Sunday’s service if you are planning to participate in our in-person worship. To register for our September 6th service, visit citychurchrva.com/links. The direct link will also be shared in our  weekly email and on social media. Registration for in-person worship closes at 6pm on Friday so staff has time to assign seats. Your household will be notified via email of your assigned seat by 24 hours before the worship service. Please note: in order to maintain accurate information as to who is joining us for which service, we ask that you register your household for each worship service you plan to attend. 

After Today’s Service

Prayer at Marcus-David Peters/Lee Circle
All are welcome to take part in a time of prayer after today’s service out at Lee/Marcus-David Peters Circle. Please head over (and bring your mask) once you’re dismissed from the service.

The Old Testament in Seven Sentences
Tonight we will finish out our Summer Sunday Formation Series called “The Old Testament in Seven Sentences.” The Old Testament tells one cohesive story, but it’s easy to find yourself knee-deep in Levitical laws and lose sight of the plot. This Summer we’ve spent time surveying the over-arching plot of the Old Testament in seven thematic sentences so that we can see how all of these seemingly disparate stories tell the one story of Jesus, even before he arrives in the manger. Class will take place on Zoom (ID: 549-123-7601) 8pm to 9:30pm and will combine teaching and breakout discussions. Visit citychurchrva.com/links to learn more.

Coming Up Soon

Reconciliation Task Force
City Church is convening a task force to help take concrete steps towards growing as a church committed to racial reconciliation. The task force will meet virtually throughout the fall and winter with the purpose of auditing what other churches have done, evaluating our church’s current practices, and recommending goals and next steps. If you are interested, please contact Harrison Ford (harrison@citychurchrva.com) or George Davis (georgebdavis1013@gmail.com) before Friday, September 18th.

Serving Our Community

Mercy Fund
This Sunday is the final Sunday of the month, a time when we take a special offering for the Mercy Fund. We use the Mercy Fund to help those in our congregation and community with emergent financial needs. Please prayerfully consider what you might give. If you are in need of financial assistance or are aware of someone who is, please reach out to our staff. We will forward your request to the deacons in charge of the Mercy Fund, Eric Morgan and Alex Brito. All requests are kept confidential. If you’d like to give to the mercy fund online, head to our website: citychurchrva.com/giving.


Announcements 9.1.20


Service Opportunities