Internship Reflection: Unexpected Gifts

Amidst the craziness of apartment-hunting and moving, the end of college and the start of a new era, and everything in between, it has been a gift to lean into the children’s ministry internship with a sense of purpose and stability. While I worked on a bunch of smaller projects for children’s ministry throughout the summer that varied week-to-week, I had a few constants throughout the internship that became parts of the week I truly looked forward to.

I have appreciated staff meetings every Monday morning as a chance to connect with leaders of the church and to tune into the different facets of work being done. From discussing the logistics of the worship band to how we can better welcome newcomers into our community, I’ve gained insight into what it takes to create a thorough and thoughtful church environment.

Wednesdays have been a treat throughout the summer; I’ve started them with morning playdates and ended them with Vespers. At the playdates, I can see how parents are able to lift one another up. While their kids run around a playground at the park or hop through water jets in a mall courtyard, mothers are able to catch their breath with one another. Getting to know some of these women has been a highlight of my summer. The love and care that they have for their children, even when motherhood feels exhausting or futile, is incredibly moving. As for Vespers, Wednesday nights have been an avenue for lots of laughter, conversation, and reflection. Vespers was a place where City Church staff, longtime friends of mine, mothers I’ve come to know, and brand new faces all came together in a really beautiful way. I loved how people of all ages collided at Vespers, and I really look forward to being a part of it again when next summer rolls around. 

Having staff meetings, Wednesday morning playdates, and Vespers to count on each week was grounding and rewarding, but the best parts of the internship were unexpected and unplanned. The main reason I wanted to take part in a City Church internship was to build relationships within the church community. As my internship wraps up this month, I am so thankful for the ways that this desire has been met. From being welcomed into the homes of several families I hadn’t known prior to the internship to spending quality time with some of the City Church staff, my few months in this role have gifted me with relationships that will continue to grow long after the internship is over.

I am $217 away from reaching my fundraising goal. If you’d like to support me financially, you can make an online contribution through the website or you can make a check payable to City Church (City Church of Richmond, PO Box 5583, Richmond, VA, 23220), noting my name in the memo line.


Announcements for the Week of 8.27.19


RUF at VCU: Meet Peter and Sarah Lyon