Congregational Meeting: Jim's Call and Budget Presentation

Dear City Church Family,

On Sunday, July 28, 2019, immediately following our worship service, City Church will hold a congregational meeting. As part of the meeting, the Treasurer and Finance Team will present the annual informational update about the City Church budget. We hope you all can attend.

Also, we’re very excited to announce that as a part of the meeting, all communing members of City Church will be invited to vote to call Jim Pulizzi as an Associate Pastor. Jim has served faithfully at City Church for the past three years as our Assistant Pastor of Children and their Families and we are excited to see him now transition into a role as Associate Pastor. This transition indicates his suitability for the work, his commitment to the church, and our deepening commitment to him. It means that he will become a voting member of the Session (the group of elders who lead, love, and serve the church). The specific terms of Jim's call are available here for your review. This call has already been approved by the Session and is included in the existing fiscal year budget.

If you have any questions, please feel free to talk to any of the City Church elders. We realize that some of this congregational meeting business may be foreign to you, but we want to make it as simple and transparent as possible. These meetings are one of the important ways that you demonstrate what it means to be the Church in and for the city of Richmond.

For the Session,


Prague Trip Video


Announcements for the Week of 7.16.19