Another Way We're Telling Our Story

During our next few worship services, you might notice a someone walking around with a camera. No need to worry. He’s with us, and he’s helping us with something.

Throughout November, our own Taylor Quinn will be getting video footage of various parts of our Sunday afternoon’s together—the worship service itself, as well as what goes on before, during, and after.

Then, with the help of Joe Fitzpatrick, we’ll be putting together a handful of videos highlighting all that goes into making Sunday worship at City Church happen: facilities, music team, nursery, Children’s Worship, and so on. Once the videos are ready, we’ll share them in blog posts and here and there on social media.

We want to let you all know it’s happening…but we also want to let you know why. To be clear: these videos aren’t a marketing effort. We aren't trying to “sell” City Church to anyone. Our hope, instead, is that these videos do two things:

One: we want to offer potential visitors a helpful glimpse of our worship service—what the space looks like, what the music sounds like, what to expect when they walk in the door.

Two: we also want to give current members and attendees a more complete picture of all that goes on each Sunday, especially those pieces with which they don’t have much contact. For example, if you don’t have any children and don’t serve in the nursery, you might not know all that goes into that. Or maybe you’ve never seen our music team rehearse beyond a pre-service sound check.

All of this will (hopefully) work towards a bigger goal of telling City Church’s story—or, more specifically, telling the story of what God is doing at City Church through His people.

(If you have questions or concerns about this, don’t hesitate to get in touch.)


10.29.19 Announcements


10.22.19 Announcements