An Autumn Update at VCU

At the beginning of this semester, I felt a little helpless. I wanted our ministry to grow exponentially through tabling and welcome week events, but despite our flawless strategies it didn't seem like new students were flooding in.

While I was sitting in this reality, I read Habakkuk 1. In it, the prophet complains to God that He was not present in Israel. God graciously responds to Habakkuk's complaint in verse 5 with these words:

Look among the nations, and see;
wonder and be astounded.
For I am doing a work in your days
that you would not believe if told.

Those were words I needed to hear. God is doing a work on VCU's campus even now, and if I could see the full extent of it, I wouldn't believe it. While I was feeling that the semester started slowly, in reality God was busy in the hearts of my students (and my heart too!).

As the semester has progressed, God has been gracious to show me that He really is at work at VCU. Most notably, God has been bringing students who are hungry to learn and excited to dive into friendships with one another.

Small Group 

My favorite place for girls to ask questions has been small group. Every Tuesday night we study Jonah together. Briyonna and Mariah (pictured) are two of my students who regularly come. I love going through Old Testament books with my girls because we get to see that God has been consistently gracious and concerned with saving the lost. Next we will transition to the New Testament book of 1 John!

One on One Meetings

Earlier in the semester I met with a second year student, Zoe, to walk along the James River. We talked about her work with summer camp, her dislike of flying alone and what videogames she was playing at the time. As we shifted to more serious topics, I asked her how she was hoping to grow this semester.

Zoe told me that all throughout last year she was impressed by the level of community at City Church. This year she wants to start engaging with that community more. She also said she felt included by the RUF community and wanted to start welcoming others into our community.

This was one of my biggest prayers for Zoe last year. It took a year for me to see fruit from that prayer! I am encouraged to see students like Zoe starting to understand that they are wanted and welcomed by both our campus ministry and the local church!

Fall Special Events

Special events are one of the best ways to involve new students and strengthen current friendships within our group. Here are a few of the events we have organized this fall:

  • Fall Conference in early September

  • Pancake Community Dinner

  • Apple picking at a local orchard

  • Fall Movie Night: Hocus Pocus and apple pie!

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for our students who are not involved in a church. Pray that they would start to desire and seek out Christian community.

  • Pray for my small group as we start to study 1 John. Pray that girls would continue to come and engage with the material and each other.

  • I am taking the GRE on October 31 and would appreciate your prayers as I study for the test and think about next steps!

  • My co-intern and I will go to Dallas from Oct. 20-24 for intern training. Pray that we would grow spiritually and find encouragement to finish out the year well!

Thank you to everyone who is supporting me through prayer and financial gifts! I could not be working with the students of VCU without you.

I am about $2000 from being fully funded for the year. Would you consider giving towards that goal?

This update was sent out to Hannah’s distribution list. If you’d like to get Hannah’s updates sent to you directly, you can subscribe here.


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A King Who Stands