Announcements, 4.27.16


This week's sermon: Erik will preach on Luke 11:45-52 this Sunday. We invite you to read ahead as a way to prepare for this week's service.

Graduating in May? We will take time to pray for our soon-to-be graduates during this Sunday's service. If you are graduating and/or finishing up a degree or coursework this Spring, please email Val ( so we can include your name in the bulletin.

City Church Basics: Our next session of City Church Basics will take place on Friday, June 17th (7-9:30pm) and Saturday, June 18th (9:30am to noon) at Grace Covenant. City Church Basics explains who we are as a church and what it means to be a member. It is a necessary step towards formally joining the church, although membership is not required. If you’re interested in taking part in this next session, please RSVP to Val Catrow ( Contact Erik ( with questions.

ASK Fun Walk & 5K–Team Princess Rosalie: On Saturday, April 30th, ASK will host a Fun Walk & 5K at the Diamond. Several City Church members and attendees will be taking part in the event in honor of our own Rosalie Vaughan, and we hope you’ll consider joining us! If you’re unable to participate, you can also donate in Rosalie’s honor. All funds raised will help ASK in their work to support and care for families experiencing childhood cancer. For more information–including event registration and making online donations–please visit the Team Princess Rosalie page. For updates on how Rosalie is doing with her treatment, check out her CaringBridge site: You will need to register with the site to see updates. Thank you for your continued prayer and support for the Vaughans!


Prayer tomorrow: At City Church we strive to be a community of prayer dependent on God for His purpose, protection, and provision. Join us tomorrow, April 14th, at 7am to pray. Meet in the Church office, 3rd floor at Grace Covenant. Enter in the back entrance of building. We hope to see you there. (City Church prayer takes place the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month).

Meet & Greet on Sunday: All are welcome to join us for coffee and snacks on the Portico (weather permitting) following Sunday’s service. Nothing formal–just a chance to enjoy some refreshments, catch up with friends, and meet new people.

Race and the Church: On Saturday, May 14th, City Church will host the next installment of Race and the Church, featuring Pastor Leonce Crump. Leonce will talk on Justice: The Church’s Commission, explaining the call for justice inside and outside of the church. The event will take place at the Community Church of God in Christ (1801 Park Ave) from 9am-11am. The event is free and open to the public. More information can be found here:

Child CPR and First Aid Informational Course: On Sunday, May 15th, 1:45pm-3:45pm, City Church will host an informational session to provide education on how to perform CPR and First Aid on children and adolescents. This session will cover the basics of CPR, rescue breathing, and choking for infants, children, and adolescents. It will also include basic first aid skills and responding in an emergency. This course will not offer a certification in either skill but will cover the skills necessary to respond in most emergency situations. This course is suitable for all to attend from teenage babysitters to children’s ministry volunteers to parents and anything in between. Childcare will be provided (please register by My 9th if you will need childcare). To register for this course, please fill out this form. Email Jennifer Murphy at if you have questions. Zach Radcliff, a City Church member and nursery coordinator will teach the course. Zach is currently certified in Pediatric and Adult CPR and First Aid as well as Life-guarding. He has been a instructor for the American Red Cross for CPR, First Aid, Water Safety Instructor, and Life-guard Training. He has further training in emergency response and crisis prevention.


Welcome Team volunteersThe welcome team is looking for additional volunteers to serve as greeters prior to the worship service on Sunday afternoons.  If you are interested in serving City Church in this way, please contact Leigh Anne Jenvey ( Thank you!

Youth Life Foundation of Richmond Summer Internships--Applications due May 1st! Youth Life Foundation of Richmond, one of City Church's ministry partners, is currently acceptiong applications for summer interns. YLFR operates learning centers throughout the city to help develop leaders by making long-term investments in children from at-risk communities. Elementary and secondary internships are available. For more information, visit


Announcements, 5.4.16


Richmond City Young Life: Whatever It Takes