Announcements, 11.4.15


This Week's Sermon: Our "Word of Life" series continues on Sunday with a sermon from Erik on 2 Timothy 4:1-8. We invite you to read ahead as a way to prepare for this week's service.

Session Meeting on Sunday: The City Church session will meet this Sunday evening. If you have any questions, concerns, or prayer requests you'd like addressed please contact Erik (

Adult Formation Class (Childcare RSVPs Needed): Our next Adult Formation Class is entitled “Discipleship: Helping one another follow Jesus.” A disciple is a student who follows and learns from another. The last command that Jesus gave to his followers was the command to go and make disciples. This six-week course will train you how to help others follow Jesus through an intentional one on one relationship. All are welcome! Sundays 3:00-3:45pm in Room 303 starting November 1st. Questions? Contact If you need childcare for any (or all) of these sessions, please RSVP using this form. RSVPs for childcare are needed by noon on the Friday before each class so we can plan accordingly.

Christmas Pageant: This year's Christmas Pageant will take place on Saturday, December 5th at 5:30pm at Grace Covenant.  If you are a parent, please complete this Christmas Pageant Survey by Friday, November 13th to indicate your family's participation in the pageant this year.  All children ages 2 years old and up are invited to participate!  Also, anyone interested in volunteering in pageant festivities, or anyone with questions is welcome to email Leigh Anne Jenvey ( We've also attached a PDF of the pageant invitation that we hope you'll share with friends!


Prayer Tomorrow: At City Church we strive to be a community of prayer dependent on God for His purpose, protection, and provision.  join us tomorrow, October 29th, at 7am to pray. Meet in the Church office, 3rd floor at Grace Covenant. Enter in the back entrance of building. We hope to see you there. (City Church prayer takes place every other Thursday.)

Women’s Retreat: Our 2015 Fall Women’s Retreat will take place Saturday, November 7th through Sunday, November 8th at Wintergreen Resort. Courtney Thompson of RUF at UVA will be our speaker. Register for the retreat here. And please do NOT let cost prohibit your from attending; please contact Meg Haden ( to discuss financial assistance if needed.

Friday Night Dinners: The Friday Night Dinner Series​ ​is​ returning​ on ​November 13th–please note, this is a change. ​Th​ese​ ​evenings are ​casual dinner​s​ open to all – members, visitors, neighbors​ ​– that provide a chance for us to get to know ​one another and welcome ​new people within our community. Hosts will provide the main dish, and each attendee (up to 10 per house) can bring a side of their choosing to share with the group. If you are interested in attending, or want to know more, please contact Erin Sheets ( with questions. ​

Engage Conference: Spring Run Presbyterian Church in Midlothian is hosting the Engage Conference on November 14th. This conference seeks to listen and learn about current cultural issues such as personal identity, truth and relativism and gender issues. To register go to:


Hanover YoungLife Christmas Tree Sale: Hanover County YoungLife is selling Fraser Fur christmas trees and wreaths to fundraise for students' trips to Fall Weekend at Rockbridge. Delivery and pick up will happen on December 4th and 5th. Visit to check them out! Make sure to include "Hanover County YoungLife" or the name of a specific leader or school on the order page upon checking out. 

Thanksgiving Hospitality for International Students: VCU Global Education Office is in search of families and individuals interested in showing friendship and hospitality by inviting international students and scholars into their homes to share Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving is a great opportunity for international students to be in a home, to share a meal and their culture with Americans and to gain a better understanding of American culture. If you’re interested, download a volunteer form here (PDF), or contact Pamela Haney, Student Engagement Coordinator, at

CrossOver Clinic Volunteers Needed: City Church will be serving at CrossOver Clinic on Saturday, December 5th. We are in need of physicians, nurses, Spanish interpreters, and administrative help. Please contact Leah Eldrige ( and/or visit our sign-up form to volunteer.


Refugee Update


Adult Formation: Discipleship